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Why did they do it
Please help me understand
Was it hatred of my People
Or the want of the land.

They made many promises
Not one did they keep
They lied with a smile
No tear did they weep.

They called us hostile savages
Because our skin was red
They vowed they'd never stop
Til my People all were dead

My People are proud warriors
And battled hard and long
But the fighting only brought
The singing of Death's song.

They tried many ways
To destroy all the Nations
They arrested our great leaders
And put us on Reservations.

They could take my father's land
For it was not ours to give
It was a gift from Grandfather
Simply a place for us to live.

They forbid us from following
All the Native Ways
But belief in the heart
Can never be taken away

Now I walk among them
Their skin the same as me
But in my heart and spirit
I am Forever Cherokee!
Cloud Dancing

Walk in Peace

Created with Durango, a True artist and Friend.

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Spirits since November 3, 1998

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