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The Journey

Of many things I am uncertain
But this I know for sure
My love for you, dear
Continues to endure.

I can not tell you where
Or of the exact time
Only that I do know
Once before your love was mine.

Maybe it was when
The buffalo roamed the plains
Or when the soldiers killed our people
And caused us so much pain.

Was it in a time of Peace
And game was always penty
A time I borne you sons
And our Nation numbered many?

Our spirits have traveled a journey
Down through the ages
Witnessing life's lessons
Now written on history's pages.

It doesn't really matter
How long ago we started
Our spirits have been together
Although our bodies parted.

Once again our hearts and bodies
On this road do meet
To travel on the path
Grandfather placed beneath our feet.

Cloud Dancing 1998

Dedicated to
My teacher, guide, companion, soulmate.
Thank you My Love
For being my Majestic Warrior on this journey.

Music "The Warrior" By Walela

Created with Durango, a True artist and Friend.

Durango's Index

Special Pages by Special People

Walk in Peace

Travelers on the Journey

Since December 13, 1998