What is the City doing to reduce smog everyday, not just during Smog Alert days?

The Smog Alert Response Plan has been developed to address the immediate air quality issue on Smog Alert days. The plan calls for modification of operations in order to reduce emissions contributing to poor air quality. It is one part of a long term strategy towards reducing air pollution and improving air quality. Some of the longer term strategies endorsed by City Council include:

the development and implementation of an employee trip reduction program
the development of green fleets
the acquisition and testing of prototype 4 stroke gas powered weed trimmers
the purchasing of fuel efficient vehicle alternatives where cost effective
the development and implementation of an incentive program to promote the use of natural gas vehicles
the implementation of a two-year extension on the retirement date for natural gas taxis over gasoline fuelled taxicabs
the development and implementation of taxi driver training courses to include education on the Idling Control By-law