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  "Tha Start" written by: Piru on 1.18.04
Hey everyone as you can see i just started on my site. Its really nothing you cant do eather. But so far i only got a few links working and if none work dont come cry to me about it. Later -Piru

  "New Design! " written by: Piru on 1.18.04
Today i changed the layout of the site to fit amys site because it was lime green and i think thats even a little to bright for myself but hey its all good lol well later everyone and there will be more news out as the times roll by Later -Piru
.: News Updates :.
New Color Layout! Hope You All Like It
Some links are giving people problems lately its due to eather they arent set up right as of yet or they just time out.
.: Info :.
Name: Richard Snow
Age: 14
Sex: Male
AIM: llvllethod781
Website: 5Point Rydaz
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