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Miki's Home Page
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A little about Me & Mine.

  Hello My name is Michael Hill (A.K.A. Miki) and this is my home page. My home page provides links to all the sites I've created and some I utilize and visit often and my BLOG which has up to date info about My Family and I. First a little about me. I'm 3? something now, with three kids (one daughter, two monsters) and a beautiful wife. I have lived most of my life in the "Silicon Valley" and currently reside in Patterson, which is in the "Central Valley".

  I am a Sr. Mechanical Designer and Most of my design work is in the Semiconductor Capitol Equipment industry, where I have more than 15 years work experience. Currently I have been working for Solar companies that utilize the same technology as semiconductors. I use several CAD packages, including PRO Engineer Wildfire, AutoCAD, and Solid Works. I am also a so called PC computer Guru according to my family and co-workers. I grew up on Commodores, Built my first 386, learned Windows 3.11, 95, NT, XP & Vista. I currently have two systems (Compaq Presario 2100 laptop and a AMD 2300 desktop which I built) hooked to a WiFi/local area network and sharing a cable internet connection. 

  In my spare time I like to play with my Boy's building things, enjoy the great outdoors (hiking / camping), and I collect, Castle Lego's DVD movies and My Collection is near 500!! In October I use to volunteer for the Los Gatos/Monte Sereno Police, at the Haunted Forest in Oak Meadow Park, Los Gatos. There was a hostile takeover of the show in 2003 and most of the Loonies left the show. In 2004 the LGPD decided that would be the last year, since they found out the person who took over was full of Lies to put it nicely. Besides it wasn't the same show without the Loonies. It was an outdoors type haunted house that started on a nature trail in the Santa Cruz Mountains. I was a tech for almost ten years, working behind the scenes, in 2000  I came out from behind the stage to bring back "Harry's House 'O' Heads" and have had the acting bug ever since.

  Currently we are volunteering for the Northern California Renaissance Faire presented by Play Faire Productions hosted by Casa de Fruta in Hollister. We had attended the Faire many times in the past and in 2004 we finally got the chance to participate.  We are members of the "The Guild of St. Luke's" with 'Guild Mistress' Jane Mercer (Valerie it is her fault, she got us started) as street performers/entertainment (that acting bug again). We made a new family of crazy friends to hang out with. So come eat, drink, and be merry, cheer "God ye good den", "Hazza!", "God Save The QUEEN!" and when your at the Northern California Renaissance Faire look for us at the Town Hall or Pub!!

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Here Are Links To My Web Sites


My Resume (Work Experience and Examples of My Work)


My space (Current Events Type Site...)


Facebook (Social Events Type Site...)


Linkedin (Professional Contact Type Site...)


Twitter (BLOG Events Type Site...)

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