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Fat Chick Blogs the Diets
Tuesday, 4 November 2003
I hate people
Yesterday's day wasn't much for eating. I was so busy yesterday. Worked a 12 hour shift and didn't have much time to breathe let alone eat. All together I ate only about 905 calories. I didn't getmy 25g of fiber in, but whatever.

I do tech support. Let me tell you something, if you work for a company that provides tech support to it's employees, when you call, you better treat those people like gold. We all work so hard, we care so much, and all we get is grief. We take the shit calls that are caused by decisions on a much higher up level than ourselves.

If your IT department sends you an email about a change that's being made to your computer system, here's a hint - READ THE FUCKING EMAIL.

In a usual day I take about 30 - 40 calls. Yesterday I took 125, all of them people who didn't READ THEIR FUCKING EMAIL about a new userid/password combo to the intranet and locked themselves out. And then called me to scream at me about their own stupidity.

I hate people. If I wasn't so busy, I would have eaten something bad.

Posted by ill/fatchickblog at 7:58 AM EST
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Monday, 3 November 2003
Now for the "good" days???
Another rather anti-climatic pig out day yesterday. Even with the pigging out, I’m still under the total calories I’m supposed to eat on my “good days”.

I keep reading this one over and over again. Yes, it does say to eat 10 calories per pound you currently weigh on your good days. Hmmm

I still don’t know how much I weigh. I never made it out to the store yesterday; had too many things to take care of here today. I’ve got some eBay auctions I need to ship out this morning so hopefully I can pick up a good scale today.

I’ll tell you though, it’s going to be very hard for me to eat 10 calories per pound if I weigh 185 or more.

I think the key with this diet is the 25gms of fiber. That Kashi was so good I’ve got to get some more of it.

Well friends, stay tuned.

Posted by ill/fatchickblog at 8:50 AM EST
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Sunday, 2 November 2003
Well yesterday's huge pig out day could have been worse, I guess. I had chips and dip. I haven't had those in over a year. That's how long I've been dieting and gaining weight. So yesterday, for the first time in a year, I had chips and dip.

It was heaven. I also had one Reese's peanut butter cup out of the halloween candy. That was heaven as well.

In trying to get in 25g of fiber a day, my husband got me this colon-blow Kashi cereal. It is SO GOOD and has a whopping 10 gms of fiber per serving.

I should note one thing... I'm not totally sure of my weight. Our scale broke a long time ago and it was too depressing for me to get another one. I went out yesterday and got one of those digital scales at CVS but when I brought it home it said I weighted 114. HAHAHAHAHAHA. I don't think I've weighed 114 since 7th grade. When I brought it back to CVS they didn't have any other brand than the one I was returning... and I know that brand is bad. Our last scale that broke was that same brand as well.

I'm heading to Walgreens today and I'll get a good scale. I just don't trust those digital scales.

Anyway how this relates to the diet is that you are supposed to eat 10 calories per pound you weigh... which still is odd to me. The most I've ever weighed is 185 so if I still weigh that instead of the 175 I *think* I weigh.. then that would be 1850 calories a day. I don't see how you can lose weight eating that much, but whatever.

Yesterday's pig out day had me at 2201 calories and according to their calculations I burned a total of 2330 calories. We'll see. I just don't like this idea of 'pigging out' after I've been dieting and eating 1200 calories a day for over a year.

Posted by ill/fatchickblog at 12:16 PM EST
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Here's the deal with this one. Monday through Friday, you eat 10 calories for every pound you weigh. As I'm busting the scale at 175, that means I'll be eating 1750 calories each day Monday through Friday. I also need to eat at least 25 grams of fiber a day. Then on the weekend, you can go nuts. They say you need two weeks for this one to show effects.

This one reads weird to me. I always thought you were supposed to eat 10 calories for each pound you WANTED to weight. So if I wanted to be 145, then I should eat 1450 calories. I had to read this one a few times over to make sure that I was getting it right. Actually it says to eat 10-12 calories per pound you weight, but I suck at math so I'm using the basic 10 cal plan.

OK, I'll bite. So I guess really since this is a Saturday, I'll start today with the pig out nuts portion. Only problem is I rarely pig out and go nuts. That's why it's so frustrating. Well friends, you're welcome to check out my food diary to see exactly what I did eat.

Posted by ill/fatchickblog at 12:15 PM EST
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Day One, and a little about me.
Yes, it's true. Another fat chick whining online about her endless failure to lose weight. Well, move on along if you don't wish to read any more. This is really more for me than anyone else.

So here's the deal. I'm 40 years old, and for the past four years, I have been completely unable to lose weight. All my life I've carried a little extra, but all things considered I looked pretty good.

Come 36, all this changed. I suddenly started gaining weight at an alarming level, and nothing I do has been able to take it off. You know the drill... lose 5, gain 7; lose 10, gain 15, etc. etc. etc.

I was a size 12 before which, in Dr. Phil terms, is a "get real" weight. It looked good on me. I was hovering around 145 pounds. Yes, I was pear shaped. Yes, I had some cellulite. But I was 36 years old, somewhat sedentary from working 50+ hours each week, and of post-child bearing age.

So I've decided to bare my soul, weight and measurements online. In this blog I'll try a new diet each week, and list the results in measurements and weight. I'll be linking to my online food and exercise diary and track the results.

So wish me luck friends.

Posted by ill/fatchickblog at 12:14 PM EST
Updated: Sunday, 2 November 2003 12:15 PM EST
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