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Kool Mama Kat - This Kat is on a Hot Tin Roof!
Tuesday, 30 November 2004
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: Gwen Stefani new CD

My life is falling down all around me. I'm alone and my husband is trying to take my son. Accusations have been made about me that are so far from the truth. How can you take a womens child who has stayed home with him his whole life! I'm in shock, depressed, heartbroken, lonely, missing my family, crying all the time, in disbelief, paraniod that everyone is plotting against me.

My husband was at one time my best and most trusted friend and now I don't know what happened to that person. How can he be so cruel and far from the truth. Everyone that knows me will tell you I am a great mother. Is God playing a sick joke on me. I will die without my baby. He is my oxygen. Please don't do this, I pray for the truth to prevail!

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 12:57 PM EST
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Monday, 6 December 2004 - 8:48 AM EST

Name: Muddy
Home Page:

I am so sorry - surely some compromise can be worked out. Here's hoping things get better for you.

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