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Kool Mama Kat - This Kat is on a Hot Tin Roof!
Saturday, 7 August 2004
By the way
Mood:  spacey
Now Playing: the buzzing in my head

It's been one crazy week to say the least. I spent well over 3 hours doing my it out to at least 10-12 places. All I can do now is keep my fingers crossed.

Remember the story about how we had a party that got a little out of control....someone spilled beer in my laptop....well it works again!!!! Yeah! and I got all my writings and backed them up like a smart person would have done in the first place. Another lesson learned haha! (the hard way)

I've actually been doing some writing to. I finally have a muse again. I hate when I get stuck in these ruts and go through these dry spells with nothing to say. Well I'm full of expression now. I don't think there are enough words in the English language to express some of my feelings right now. I won't get into all that at this point...because I could go on and on. But I do intend to share with explanation.

I'm looking forward to catching up this blog and making up for neglecting it. Until then..catch ya on the flip side!

~Kool Mama Kat

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 12:11 PM EDT
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