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Kool Mama Kat - This Kat is on a Hot Tin Roof!
Friday, 16 July 2004
Mood:  don't ask
Now Playing: Pantera

Arrggg!! Thank God for the weekend...

I'm such a jerk! First and foremost I am a very curious person as most writers are. Today one of the superintendants for our company came in and we got to talking. He is 61 yrs old and very sweet man. He calls me the Angel that fell from heaven...anyway were talking and he mentions "when I came back from Vietnam" and I was like wow you were there abd he's like yeah and I'm like what was it like for you and he's like I don't want to talk about it and I'm like oh o.k. and he's like they told us to never say where we were and what not and I'm like o.k. and he's like when you see burning babies your never the same and then he had a tear come down his face and said he had to go...I felt like total shit for asking b/c we all know those guys never came back the same. The sad part is that war was fought by a bunch of young kids who didn't quite understand why they were there and came back so screwed up. Guess what's going to happen to our young boys and gals when they come back from this war in Iraq...that's right there going to be so screwed up. It's really so sad for our HERO'S!!!

Had a long crazy week!!! My laptop is still screwed...but I got the old computer since we have the new so it worked out good that way except I lost what writing I had on the laptop and I deleted the link to My Writings on this blog so I can't get them from there. Maybe that was how it was all suppose to work out..I'll never know I guess, but I am taking my writing in a new direction so we'll see what is to come...I hope everyone has a nice weekend...I'm off to start mine...

Ciao` Angel

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 3:07 PM EDT
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Friday, 16 July 2004 - 5:42 PM EDT

Name: Sher
Home Page:

Hello I was just reading your page and seen your story on the man from vietnam,its a shame the way they were treated by there home country when they returned not only did they have the war to deal with but also the people at home calling them a lot of bad things even if they were HEROS so hopefully we suport the men and women better this time so we can help them get throught it instead of casing them aside like they were nothing considering they had no choice they had to fight someone elses war its so sad,really sad, war is pointless this im sure of unfortunatly we will fight till the end of time I guess its human nature its a sad part of us. ok well i will stop typing now, lol you take care.. Sher :-)

Sunday, 18 July 2004 - 11:07 AM EDT

Name: Me

I totally agree with you and thank you for your opinion, it's nice to know others realize this and hopefully we will never forget our hero's and our freedoms!

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