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Kool Mama Kat - This Kat is on a Hot Tin Roof!
Tuesday, 30 March 2004
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Rock Lobster

Boy oh boy! I have really been slacking here. Work is going good. I like the new job and learning a huge load of info! We've been looking for a house. It is so aggravating driving around looking at homes and then finding out it's under contract. I guess we'll have to break down and get a realtor!! GGRRRR!

I can't wait to own my own home again. The way this city is booming if we don't buy now we'll never be able to. The weather has been so beautiful lately! I'm going to have to get a new bikini so I can soak some rays at the beach! Man I have miss that...going to the beach, packing the cooler with some brew, listening to some tune's and the sound of the wave's. Soaking up the sun and praying a seagull doesn't come along and shit on my head!!! Oh how I love that!

Long story short...I have been shitted on 3 times!!!!
Once by a cat. Once by a chipmunk. Once by a bird. It's just my luck! I litterally get shitted on!

On to the laundry!!!

Scribbled by Kool Mama Kat at 2:21 PM EST
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Wednesday, 31 March 2004 - 11:43 AM EST

Name: BratCat
Home Page:

Soak up the sun, fellow 'shit-head'!
I once got a splashing seagully poop right on my shoulder..

I'm gonna soak up the sun
While it's still free
I'm gonna soak up the sun
Before it goes out on me
(Sheryl Crow)

Glad your new job is working out!

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