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Recent Results

show #10
OWA Extreme
- Reverend Wynn's massive follower Kron ended Darwin Doemaye's winning streak over the Brotherhood. As a result of the stipulations of the match Darwin would have to join the Brotherhood. Instead, the demon that lives within Darwin was unleashed, attacked Wynn before Kron could stop him, and Dawrin/The Demon fled through the crowd.
- Papa Rasta and Snuka Jr. beat Hammerjack and Brother Hood by countout when the Lady Leatherface ran to the ring and chased away Ms. Babcock and her men with the chainsaw.
- Outrage beat Utilla in a Titan Death Match to put the Aethran team up 1-0 over the AAC in tonight's team challenge. The losing team must exile one member for 30 days.
- Velvet tried to throw Manhoe to the wolves(so to speak) again by making him face Rapture and Angelheart alone again. But the OWA commissioner came out and orderd Velvet back into the ring. He then lowered his "surprise", a cage, over the ring and the match was underway. Angelheart and Rapture beat Velvet and Manhoe after Rapture bloodied Velvet's face after repeatedly running him into the cage wall and Angelheart made Manho submit.
- In a tag team title match, Bishop Prime and Dorado Kid wrestled to a no-contest with Dragoon and Grunt. Dragoon refused to take direction from the Combat Killers manager the Dark Master, which prompted the Dark Master to order Grunt to attack his partner . While Dragoon and Grunt were fighting, Bishop and Dorado began an argument when Dorado stopped Bishop from using HELLFIRE on the brawling Combat Killers, saying he wanted to win clean to prove they could. This led to both teams fighting amongst themselves with Dragoon and Dorado finally clearing the ring of their former partners.
- Tyr beat Breaker in a chain match to take the AAC to a 1-1 tie in the series.
- Crimson Cross beat Chris Chandler in a bloody Falls Count anywhere match to hold on to the EMW title.
- In the main event, and final match of the team challenge, Cinder beat Ravage to regain the OWA title. After the match, the Aethrans blamed the "lowly son of the Gladiator slave, Fury" Outrage for the loss and banned him for 30 days. Meanwhile, Reverend Wynn led Kron to the ring and made a public challenge to the new champ, stating Kron would win the belt as a sign of the power of Cosmic Brotherhood. Wynn told Cinder that, "Pain may be temporary, as you shirt reads, and pride is forever, like you say. But pride is a sin and for that you will be punished at the hands of Kron!" Kron then stepped in Cinder's face and the two had a stare down that had to be broken up by OWA officials to end the show.
Read previous OWA results and happenings in the RESULTS ARCHIVE.