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The Internet is Wonderful

Some good sites:

My Blog!
Kate's Page
Dan's website
Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
A very interesting look at things.
Fund FREE mammograms
Breast Cancer Awareness Merchandise
Bethany Lutheran Church website
A Page Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness

Wow. That is all I can say. I haven't updated this thing in over a year! I'm bad. I got a message a while ago that someone liked all my weird facts. Here's a disclaimer: I don't think they're all true. However, last I checked, I am not a factchecker for Jeopardy, so I'm ok. Anyway, I'm not sure I'll continue updating this thing, so you should DEFINITELY go check out my blog. It's way cooler than this page that I started when I was WAY back in high school. HA. Anyway, about me: I'm a 23 year old female discerning a call to ministry within the ELCA. I'm a senior in college majoring in Sociology. Warning, Shameless Plug: PLEASE, go look at my blog! You'll like it, I promise!
Life is wonderful.
Cancer still sucks, but I'm happy to say that my mom is in complete remission. A few more years and she'll be considered "cured." We're thrilled. Thanks be to God, people CAN beat cancer.
"Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." Dr. Seuss.
I'm a biological aunt! I have an adorable 2 1/2 year old nephew. He is quite possibly the cutest kid in the world. Also, my sister is going to have a baby in a few months. I'm excited for her as she and her husband journey down this new path.
Feeling blue? Unloved? Neglected? Remember that "For God SO loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." -John 3:16. Oh ha! I almost forgot the requisite other shameless plug! Please sign the guestbook!
Food For thought
An Insightful little look
A page for Dan
A page about driving
More facts
Favorite quotes and lyrics

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