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This is my page dedicated to those great guys who are now home in the sky. I LOVE AND MISS U BOTH!

I will start with this story and put the other on a new page...This is a sad part of my life,so if you dont read I'll understand.

I can tell you the story on how I lost these two guys but it may take awhile. This is just as hard now as it was then.

It was the summer of '90,and it was a really hot day. We all decided to go swimming to cool off. It was my best friend,her boyfriend,another friend, my best friends dad and myself. We all jumped in the truck and went up to Sabula in Iowa. That is close to my home town Clinton.

We were having a great time.I was just 16 and the others were a little older than me. On the way there we joked and laughed and threw things around at each other. Just stupid stuff. We finally got there. We all got out of the truck and went straight for the water,we couldnt wait to get in. My best friend and another one couldnt swim so they stayed close to the edge of the water. My self and Chris(thats his name)went in for a swim. We both knew how to swim very well. I can tell you this part is not easy to tell or relive.

We were in for only a few minutes when I looked around and couldnt find Chris anymore. Everyone thought he was playin but I couldnt see his bubbles in the water anymore. I got freaked real fast,so the rest of them started to panic. We called his name over and over tryin to get him to answer us. We thought he might be up on the bank,so we kept yelling. About 10 minutes later I realized he wasnt playing at all,something had happened. Something bad.

I told everyone to get out and yell for him,see if they could see him in the water at all,I was gonna look under the water. I swam across the lake and still nothing. By that time my friends dad had gone to get help. We looked and looked but could not find him. 10 minutes later helped arrived. They went out in boats to see if they could find him. Remember it had been about 20 some minutes already. We stood back and let them do their job,and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. 10 minutes later someone yelled they had him,I couldnt even tell you who it was. We were just so happy until...

We were told to go to the truck,but no one told us why. We did not go,and now I wish we would have. They lifted him up and he was already gone. They laid him down and started CPR,but I think they knew it was a lost hope.

We were rushed to the hospital where we waited to see if they could save him. I'm gonna save you the graphic details. Needless to say he didn't make it... We were allowed to go in and say goodbye to him,but that was the hardest thing I have ever done. My best friend couldn't go in,she loved this guy and now he was gone.

When I walked in that room all I saw was this guy laying there who had a peaceful look on his face. I stood there looking at him tring to figure out why? Why did GOD take him home so early,then I figured it out. His parents had been gone and now he was home again...

The sad part was when I kissed him goodbye that day ,I never knew what was waiting for me when I returned home. His brother blamed me for his death. He thought I should have saved him, because I could swim. Let me tell you how hard that was,I already felt guilty,but to have someone say it! I fought with him about it and then gave up. I knew I would have to live with the guilt forever,and I have. I lost a great friend and any hope I had of feeling like I tried.

I love you Chris and hope you are happy. We miss you but know you live in our hearts....