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Original Community flosS Games

We're not greedy; try them at home, at parties, in prison bathrooms! (BOO!)

TBAT (Todd Before and After Todd)

It's a secret.


An endowment game, but with a little twist.

  • Performers: 4 (1 performer, designated as Todd, goes off stage, away from the audience.
  • Details: The 3 performers left will get an action from the audience is about to do. I.E. Tie his shoe, blow up a chicken, or sacrifice a baby to a volcano (inspiration for the title).
  • Tips: Keep it simple and try to extend the scene to its fullest. There's no point if you lead Todd straight to the answer, have fun with him.

    The Real World, Carbondale

    • All actors perform.
    • The audience calls out sterotypes for every actor. i.e. Cowboy, Cheerleader.
    • The first performer starts the scene by having his "confessional" in which he introduces the next actor and their unusual quirk.
    • The actors enter and exit the scene by calling out "FREEZE" and "TIME-IN."
    • To make the scene run as smooth as possible, there should be no more than 3 performers improvising.
    • Good luck!

    Looking For Love

    • Five performers will be needed. One will take the roll as host, one as the lady, and three eligible bachelors.
    • The audience gives characters to both the lady and the bachelors (1-famous person, 2-animal, 3-object).
    • The scene starts with the introduction of the lady , who ask the contestants questions, not only meant to entertain but to help the performer find out the identities of her admirers.
    • We have our questions, let us know if you need help writing some.
    Midnight Rendevous
    • Two actors perform.
    • The audience calls out famous characters for each actor. Each actor has to be unaware of the others identity. (i.e. Abe Lincoln, Joan of Arc.)
    • The performers start the scene by meeting for a midnight rendevous somewhere odd (submarine, behind a Long John Silvers).
    • Througout an improvised scene the performers will try to find out who they are meeting with.
    The Community flosS Drinking Game
    • Three actors always perform in a bar setting.
    • Everytime a player sips, chugs, or inhales his drink, so must the audience. If any audience member does not comply, said member must come on stage to be part of the embarassment.
    • The scene is over with half the audience on stage, depending on the quality of the audience

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