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Christian Music Gallery

Mark Lowry's reMarkable site

Welcome to the christian music gallery. This page was created for the purpose of sharing Christian Music links and Ministry pages. I hope that you find this site to be of a helpful nature.

I am an avid fan of southern gospel music as well as other styles. I was raised in a very musical background. I love to sing the older southern gospel music that has set the stage for the newer styles of music. I feel that it is important to maintain and preserve this rich heritage that we have been blessed with by some of the greatest writers and artist of gospel music.

I feel that music is a window to our soul, for many of us it is a tool used to reach others with the gospel as well as a personal means of praise and adoration to the Lord. So many lives have been radically changed by the words of a song and the artist's ability to deliver the song in a personal way.

We are a blessed nation that has been given the freedom to express our christianity and beliefs, in a world where so many countries persicute many just for believing in Christ. I can't imagine living in a society where what I sing or believe is dictated to me by government, that is why it is so very important that we apprecitate what we are blessed with and use the talents that God has given us to reach those around us and lead them to Christ.

I invite you to view the other pages and links at this site and encourage you to drop me an email if you need prayer,or would like to link to this web site.

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