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Enjoy the blooper reels and outtakes! Due to lack of space on my site, I really cheated and just linked the bloopers to their original source. If anyone has any objection or needs more credit, tell me. Don't be discouraged by downloading times. Trust me, its worth it! Oh yeah, to download, click the pictures. (Or right click the pics and select "save target as...")

"On a ragga tip" (Season 6 bloopers) Thanks to Agent Elmo (15.4mb)

This video was created by the talented Agent Elmo. It is a collection of bloopers from all seasons to the tune of "On a Ragga Tip." It's hilarious, so don't miss it!

More great season 6 bloopers! Thanks to Agent Elmo (12.7mb)

This has many of the scenes as the above blooper reel, but they are longer. These are solely from season six and very funny! (Even the evil CSM bloops once in a while!)

Season 5 bloopers in Real Player Thanks to Agent Elmo (6mb)

These are all from season five. Funny, of course, but also sad at the end since it was the crew's farewell to vancouver. *sniff sniff :(

Season 4 bloopers in Real Player Thanks to Agent Elmo (8.2mb)

Season 4 bloopers. Funny and clever like the others. Four words: Skinner in a BRA.

Montage of bloops in AVI format Thanks to X-Philers: Movie Files (2.3mb)

Takes little time to download, so it's worth a look.

Another montage in AVI format Thanks to X-Philers: Movie Files (2.3mb)

This is also a quick download.

Short version of the DD song AVI format Thanks to Sound Booth: The Videos (Not too big)

This is a fourteen second clip (with Skinner, Krycek, Spender, LGM, and Scully singing the David Duchovny song by Bree Sharp) This is very funny and good to download if you don't want to download the entire video (see below) .

The entire version of the DD song Real Player format Thanks to Sound Booth: The Videos (Very big)

This is the entire DD video created by the cast and crew of the X-files. There are so many guest appearances (see for yourself!). It's worth watching MANY times :)