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The Warner Family History Web Site

Ninth Generation

256. Daniel Warner was born on 20 May 1699 in Ipswich, Mass.. He died about 1765. Daniel married Sarah Hill on 15 Dec 1720 in Ipswich, Mass.. [Parents]

We will be removing 2 as research proves the true one.

257. Sarah Hill. [Parents]

Granddaughter to Governor Theophilus Easton of Connecticut.

272. James Wickersham was born in 1712 in East Malborough, Chester Co. Pa.. He died on 2 Feb 1801 in Kennett, Chester Co. Pa.. James married Ann Eachus on 22 Feb 1735 in Kennett, Chester Co. Pa.. [Parents]

273. Ann Eachus was born on 12 May 1712 in East Malborough, Chester Co. Pa.. She died calculated 1783 in Kennett, Chester Co. Pa.. [Parents]


288. Oliver Sallee was born on 5 Nov 1749 in Manakintown, Va.. He died after 1831 in Somerset, Ky. and was buried after 1831 in Somerset, Ky.. Oliver married Marie Magdelaine Chastain on 28 Nov 1774 in Charlotte Co. Va.. [Parents]

289. Marie Magdelaine Chastain was born about 1720 in Manakintown, Va.. She died bet. 1803-1810 in Buckingham Co. Va..


368. William Payne was born on 16 Nov 1692 in of Malden, Mass.. He died on 29 Jan 1784 in of Malden, Mass.. William married Elizabeth Sweetsir on 6 Nov 1722 in of Malden, Mass.. [Parents]
Records show the name spelled as both Payne and Paine.

369. Elizabeth Sweetsir.

2nd wife.

376. George Brandon Sr. Capt. was born in 1703 in Unknown. He died on 14 Dec 1773 in Millbridge, Rowan Co. North Carolina and was buried in 1773 in Thyatira Presbyterian Church Graveyard, Millbridge, N.C.. George married Marian.


377. Marian.


380. Strangeman Hutchins was born in 1707 in Henrico Co., Henrico, Va. He died on 10 Feb 1792 in Yadkin, Surry Co. n.C.. Strangeman married Elizabeth Cox in 1731 in Hanover Co., Virginia, Va. Strangeman was born in 1707 in Va. He died on 10 Feb 1792 in Yadkin Co., Nc. He was born in 1707 in Va. He died on 10 Feb 1792 in Yadkin Co., Nc. [Parents]

A Quaker family. Have a copy of his will dated 29th day of the 11th month,1791.Recorded July 1792. His name is spelled in this will as : " Hutchens ".Some records show his name as: Hutchins /or/ Hutchings. Death: Deep River MM: died Deep Creek 2-10-1792 in 85 years.
381. Elizabeth Cox was born on 25 Feb 1712/1713 in Henrico, Virginia. She died in 1816 in Deep Creek, N.C..

384. Jogahim Van Weert was born on 28 Mar 1703 in Old Sleepy Hollow Church, Philipsburgh, N.y.. He died in Jun 1770. Jogahim married Crestena de Vaux on 12 Dec 1724 in Old Sleepy Hollow Church, Philips Burgh, N.y.. Jogahim was baptized on 28 Mar 1703 in Old Sleepy Hollow Church, Philipsburgh, N.y.. He was baptized on 28 Mar 1703 in Old Sleepy Hollow Church, Philipsburgh, N.y.. [Parents]

All information is taken from the" First Book" from the Old Sleepy Hollow Church, Philips Burgh, N.Y.
385. Crestena de Vaux 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 was born in 1699. She died before 1753 in New York. [Parents]
THE arrival of the de Vaux family here was by two brothers, the eldest named Nicholas
and a younger one named Daniel. They came in company with several other French refugee families, from
Festubert in Artois. Festubert is a town several miles to the east of the city of Bethune, in what is now the dept.
of Pas-de-Calais, France, formerly the ancient province of Artois.
 The de Vaux family fled to Manheim, in about 1667 when Nicolas appears in the " Registry of Fathers" of Mannheim, Germany.  This place afterwards was invaded by Louis XIV., about this time the family
of Nicholas and others like them escaped to England; and in 1674 they may haveaccompanied
Sir Edmund Andros across the ocean on the ship "H.M.S. Dimond" when he became the
Governor of New York.

The family of Nicholas de Vaux consisted of his wife with one child, Abraham, and Nicholas's
young brother, Daniel, when he settled at Harlem. The next year (1675) Nicholas was found
in the "Night Watch," at that place, having been called upon by the Governor to assist in
protecting the inhabitants against an attack from the Indians; and two years after he was
again enrolled by the Governor to assist in cutting 5,000 trees to erect a "Palisade Wall,"
on the line of the present "Wall Street" (New York), to guard against an expected attack
of the Indians. This fact gave this prominent business street its name.

Nicholas had previously obtained some land at Harlem, as we find him taxed for
property there in 1677. He remained here, however, but a few years, when he removed to
New Jersey, where he and his wife joined the church at Bergen, in 1679. It appeared
afterwards that several of his wife's relatives had moved to Hackensack, which induced
him to change his residence to that place. Here they erected "The French Church," near
where still remains "The Old French burying-ground," in which he and his first wife were
buried; his second marriage was with Margaret Jans, in 1706, when he was about
sixty-four years old. By his first wife he had children, Abraham, b. 1667; John, b.
1669; Hester, b. 1671; Susannah, b. 1673; and Marytie, b. 1675.

Abraham married Mynno (Menno or Minnie) de Maree in 1688, and joined
the "First Reformed Dutch Church" in Hackensack, the records of which show the name
of Abraham De Vouw, registered in 1694; afterwards the name appears de Vouw and De
Vouw, or DeVeaux, with nearly all of this branch many years after. He had six children born at
Hackensack, and about the year 1705 for some cause he removed to Tarrytown, N. Y.,
where he became a member of the Reformed (Dutch) Church of the Manor of
Philipsburgh, at "Sleepy Hollow," and served in the offices of deacon (in 1708) and elder
off and on for about twenty years.

An old book of records shows on the 16th August, 1710, "At a meeting of the Consistory,
Abraham de Vouw (notice change of spelling from the French to the English ver.) was honourably
discharged from his official service as Deacon, afterserving two years; his accounts were approved,
and were as follows: Paid from receipts to Dominie Bartholf, 29-10 (perhaps Guilders); paid for Communion bread, 10; whole amount, 39-10."

The children of Abraham were, Nicholas, Maria, Elsie, Rachel, John, and Christina, b. 1699.

Christina, b. 1699; m. Joghem Van Weert in 1724; & had: 1) Catharine, b.1733;
2) Johannes, b. 1735; 3) Jacob, b. 1738, and 4) Maritie, b. 1741.

The Family Surname has been spelled lots a ways in records I have researched. Each one means something else.

1) De Vaux = Ist Person, presence of Valoir: be worth; be as good as; to deserve merit;. Phonetic is [ VO ]
2) De Veaux = 1st Person, Meat: of Veal (s); young beef; calf; [VO]
3) De Veau = of Veal or Meat; Phonetic is [ VO ]
4) De Voe = of Voe (???)(USA) [VO]

(Ref: Langenscheidt Standard Dictionary; French to English //// English to French; 1968 Langenscheidt KG,
Berlin and Munich; Printed in Great Britain)

IN glancing over a large number of old records, genealogies, Coats of Arms and late directories of
French noble families, we find the name now generally known as De Voe, De Veau, de
Veaux, de Vaux, etc., appears to have been originally known in France as Vaux, Veaux,
etc., and was found to be prominent among the government officers at a very early

In a very elaborate genealogy(*) we find: "The family of Vaux [VO] derived its surname from a
district in Normandy, France, where it was originally seated, but as early as the year 749 of the
Christian era a branch of the Vaux Family is found to be in Provence, Southern France and was
allied by marriage to several of the Sovereign Princes of Europe."

Another early branch is noticed by "Bouvier," who says: "Eloi, Sire of Verchmont, had
been appointed, in an Edict of Charles the Bald in the year 857, Vidame and Lord of
Vaux, Count of Verchmont."

At a later period " Eloi-Michel De Vaux is called Sire & Count of Verchmont, Sire &
Baron of Gaillon, great baillif of the sword (grand bailli d'epee) of the Dutchy of Nantes,
Prince of the Holy Roman Empire, and Commander of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem
of Malta. Another of the Verchmont branch was found in a rescript of Charles de
Gonzague, when he made Charleville out of the small Town of Arches in 1698."

The name is further mentioned in the records of that and subsequent periods by the
patronymic of Beaux, Baux, or Vaux (B and V being used indiscriminately in the south
(*)"A Count Elie de Vaux de Verchmont was taken, under the Republic, corresponding
with the army of Cond‚; judged and condemned, he was executed on January 5, 1793,
whilst his brother, Michel de Vaux de Verchmont, was receiving a sword of honor for his brave
conduct in front of the enemy." of France), and the ancient possessions of the Princes of
Baux in that country are still called "Les Terres Baussengues," comprising Aix,
Marseilles, etc.

In the year 1140 the Vaux's disputed the sovereignty of Provence with the house of
Barcelona, and in 1173 they acquired the principality of Orange by marriage with
Tiburge, heiress of Orange.

Bertram de Vaux was Count of Montescaziosi, and married Beatrix, daughter of
Charles II., King of Naples and Sicily. His son, Francis de Vaux, espoused Margaret of Anjou,
widow of Edward I,(de Baloil), King of Scotland, crowned at Scone on Sept.24, 1332, etc.

Upon this marriage, Francis de Vaux was created Duke of Andrea in the Kingdom of Naples,
&c., and his descendants enjoyed the highest offices, as the following inscription,
translated from a monument erected in the year 1615 in the Church of St. Clair, at Naples, fully attests.
" This monument is dedicated to the most illustrious family of Vaux, a potent race, decorated with the royal insignia in the kingdom of Vienne and Arles, Princes of Orange, Counts of Geneva, and great rulers within
the sovereignty of Provence, which they frequently subjugated to their dominion by force of arms."

"Hyero-nymus de Vaux has here deposited the bones of as many of his name and lineage
as he has been able to collect, and out of piety to them has erected this monument to their

"Videlicet, to the memories of:
"Antonia de Vaux, Queen of Sicily; Isabella de Vaux, Queen of Naples.
Cecilla de Vaux, Countess of Savoy; Sibella de Vaux, Princess of Piedmont.
Maria de Vaux, Dauphiness of Vienne; Isabella de Vaux, Despotisses of Servia."

"The earliest account we have of the founders of the English branches of the Vaux family
is that of Bertrand de Vaux; attended a tournament in the year 929, and was a
favorite of Robert I., Duke of Normandy, grandfather of William the Conqueror.
The names of the descendants of this Bertrand are traced through the Rolles Normand,
written Baux, (beautiful?), Vaux, Vaulx?, etc."

In the next earliest French records we find " Jean de Vaux, gallant (son of a chevalier),
who assisted, with several other noblemen, in 1302 at the assizes of the Seneschal of
Beauraime." Then appears:

Raimond de Vaux, gallant son of Feu Pierre Garin de Vaux; and Pierre Rigaud de Vaux who pledged fidelity and duty to the Countess Elinore de Cominges in 1343."
FRENCH Heraldic Genealogists have introduced various "Coats of Arms" of the family name at a very early periods. Thus,

"Vaux-de-Salins", appears:
"(D'azur … 3 Chapeaux d'Albanois d'or.) This Family, who recognized as its stem
Jean de Vaux, Councillor and Master of the Chamber des Comptes, a Court of Burgundy
in 1496, became extinct or merged in the last century in that of the Alepy."

Another translation introduces in 1508 Jean de Veau, magistrate of the Province of
Languedoc, who was one of the Councillors of the Court of Parliament in Toulouse, and
who solicited the king to establish a Criminal Court in the Parliament.

From the Grandmaison Dictionary of Heraldry we also introduce the following:
"de Vaux. D'argent, … une montagne de sable, surmonte‚ d'une aigle de gueules."

The De Vaux Family :
"de Vaux. Dauphin‚. De gueules au lion passant d'argent."

"de Vaux (Baron) or Carra de Vaux (Baron). Domicile, Chateau de Rieux (Marne).
Armes: D'azur, au chevron d'argent, accompagn‚ de 3 losanges 2 & 1, & d'un
croissant en pointe du mˆme."

"The Arms of de Vaux and Isaac de Fancher, Esquire, Lord of Clozuron (Perigord),
married on the 2d of May, 1598, by contract, the noble Miss Rebecca de Vaux, who,
by her testament of the 7th of July, 1625, declared that she wished to be buried in the
Church of the Dames de Fontaine, in the place she acquired of the Nuns of the said
place." "de Vaux. Dauphin ( tran: Dolphin ). De gueules au lion passant d'argent."

"De Vaux of Languedoc," "Lords of Chavagnac, of Robiac and other places--De au veau (cow)
d'argent & un chef d'azur, charg‚ d'un croissant renvers‚ d'or accost‚ de 4 ‚toiles
d'argent." (In Heraldry, or Coats of Arms, a pun on someone's name is very common)

"The family of De Vaux of Robiac originally came from Languedoc, and enjoyed from
time immemorial all the prerogatives exclusively reserved to the nobility of ancient

"The name, which is sometimes found written De Vaulk or De Vaux, is often quoted by
historians of that province as distinguished in the magistracy, as in the profession of
arms. The family have always allied themselves to the principal houses of that province,
especially to those of d'Orneau, de Bernard, de Lassagne, de Narbonne, Lary, and of de
Larcy. "It was maintained in its nobility by the Royal Commissioners appointed to search
out the usurpers of nobility in the Province of Languedoc in the year 1666.

"The Coat of Arms of this family, which are represented at the head of this notice, were
to be seen in the year 1766 upon the outer walls of the Church of the Commune of
Robiac, of which 20. de Vaux were patron Lords."

Another branch of the family in France, who no doubt had performed important and
gallant services for the "House of Lorraine," were ennobled with a "Coat of Arms" of that
place, as here represented.


386. Siber Acker-Ecker was born in 1698 in Wolfert's Roost (Sunnyside) n.y.. He died on 26 Jul 1771 in Westchester Co. n.y. and was buried in 1771 in Old Sleepy Hollow Burying Ground, Westchester Co. n.y.. Siber married Aeltie de Ronda. [Parents]

Old Dutch Burying Ground, Sleepy Hollow, Old Post Road, Tarrytown,Westchester County, N.Y. Inscription: Siber ( Sybout, Sibert ) Acker Died July 26, 1771 Born March 8, 1698
387. Aeltie de Ronda.

388. Henry III Fowler was born in 1657 in of Providence, R.I.. He died in 1733 in of Eaton's Neck, Long Island and was buried in 1733 in of Eaton's Neck, Long Island. Henry married Abigail Hoyt about 1679 in of Eatons Neck, Long Island, New York. [Parents]

52 years old in 1710. Will dated 3 Mar. 1730, proved 5 Dec. 1733 (NYC 12: 135)
389. Abigail Hoyt was born about 1658 in of Eastchester. She died calculated 1723 in of Eatons Neck, Long Island, New York. [Parents]

464. Isaac Perryman Sr. Sr.. [Parents]


504. Jonathon Gorham Fitch was born on 3 Sep 1740 in Nantucket, Massachussets. He died on 3 Feb 1814. Jonathon married Elizabeth Coffin on 4 Feb 1762 in Nantucket, Massachussets. [Parents]

First person on Nantucket with 2 given ( surnames) names and was a house carpenter.
505. Elizabeth Coffin was born on 3 Mar 1740/1741 in Nantucket, Massachussets. She died on 23 Feb 1795. [Parents]

506. Thomas Delano Jr. was born on 12 Aug 1729 in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. He died on 10 Nov 1799 in Nantucket, Massachussets. Thomas married Elizabeth Swain in 1750 in Nantucket, Massachussets. [Parents]

507. Elizabeth Swain was born on 20 Oct 1729 in Nantucket, Massachussets. She died on 29 May 1811 in Charlestown, New Hampshire.


508. Don Joaquin I Carrillo Sr. was born about 1765 in of Spain. He married Magdalena Marron.

509. Magdalena Marron.


510. Juan Francisco de Lopez was born in 1736 in Santiago, Delascora Mission, Baja California, Mexico. He died on 8 Jan 1800. Juan married Maria Feliciana Arballo (Heiress) on 6 Mar 1776 in San Gabriel, California. [Parents]

511. Maria Feliciana Arballo (Heiress).

Came to California in the Anza Expedition in 1774.


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