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Anatomy of a Carving

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Driftwood  The driftwood is also carved from wood.  In this case it was made from a piece of 4X4 fencepost from a local lumberyard.

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Body   The body of the fish must be carved from wood.  Most carvers choose to use a fine grained wood such as Basswood or Tupelo.  This fish was made from Sugar Pine, which is my personal favorite.

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Fins The fins are often carved from the same major piece of wood as the body.  However, I choose to use the fine grained wood called Tupelo.  These fins are set and glued in, then carved to the fine detail.

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Rocks All habitat material, such as rocks, mud and grass must also be carved from wood.  In the case of grass, I generally use Bamboo.  Rocks, such as these are carved from spare wood and then painted.

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Paint The paint is alternating levels of opaque, semi-opaque, semi-transparent and transparent.  The layers are built up one by one.  This carving has approximately 27 layers of paint.  The paint used was Acrylic.

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Eyes  The eyes on the carving are the only thing must not be wood.  In this case, they are made from hand painted glass, such as would be used in a taxidermy mount.

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