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The Diana Tribute in Walt Disney World

As part of Walt Disney World's Millennium Celebration, a Millennium Village was set up in Epcot. The Celebration started in October 1999. The "Village", a large tent, held hosts from countries from all over the world. Each country showed exhibits, merchadise and foods from their native lands. The country of Scotland had beautiful tartan scarfs that were made in memory of Diana, the colors of the scarves were inspired by her, white background and cornflower blue stripes make the scarfs classy and feminine like Diana was. Atop of the pile of scarves I saw a framed picture of the Princess, a head shot of her wearing a pearl choker and a black suit, a picture taken towards the end of her life. It noted that proceeds from the scarves sold were to go to her Memorial Fund in England. The scarves were about $100 and up in American dollars, not very cheap, but the whole thing was very beautiful, the fact that she had been represented there for the millennium in a place where tens of thousands from around the globe would pass through meant and still means more than the price tag.

You may remember that in the early 1990's, Diana had come to see Disney World with her two boys. I can remember the media film of her and her two little princes spinning on the teacups ride with smiles from ear to ear on each of their faces. It made big news here in the USA. She and the boys looked like they were just like us instead of royalty. I hope that her boys remember that trip as a joyful time that they had with their "Mummy" and that they enjoyed Disney as much as I did. I am glad that even in death, she returned there in a way through Scotland's tartan tribute to her.

As you can tell, I am a Diana admirer. And seeing her memorialized is very beautiful and that it why I made this tribute to her. If you care to share your feelings, don't hesitate to write!

Links of interest

More Info on the Diana Tartan scarf
My Diana London Memorial info page
