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Religion--Fact or Fiction

Walking the Road of Truth

The Bible

Not What It Is Made Out To Be

The Bible taken as the story that it is can be considered one of greatest novels of all time. However to be taken seriously as a definitive work meant to be THE guide for how we are to live our lives and more importantly commit our entire afterlife it must be much more carefully examined. Once you have truly done so without the "Christian" excuses used to hide truth, you can only reach the conclusion that this is nothing more than a set of rules written by the rich and powerful, male dominated society and then political leaders to intimidate the mass of population and thereby remain in control. Friends, I'm sorry if it hurts your little feelings or upsets your even smaller sensitivities but the ideas proposed in the so called "Word of God" are ludicrous, laughable, and throughout the majority of this great work of fiction, just that, or in a more precise term "Bullshit."

Translation of the Holy Scriptures
Not possible in the first place. The ancient Hebrew language is and has been for centuries a "lost language". The Theologians themselves admit to A FEW Inacuracies in the translations of the Bible. A few? I think A LOT! Think about it with only a few real facts in mind.
  • 1) A lost language is just that, lost. It does not out of the blue return to be freely translated by those who have never spoken or even heard it.
  • 2) Language changes constantly. My wife and I were talking the other night about, "Isn't it funny that this language survived intact and exact for over two thousand years yet suddenly we need to "rewrite" the Bible now every ten years or so to make it keep up with the changing langauge. We suddenly "only now" see the need for a "changing Bible". Excuse me? Isn't this the "Word of God"? Do we so easily change the "Word of God" to meet our day to day requirements. If this can be then is it truly the "Word of God" at all? Face the reality folks! Quit hiding behind the lame excuses given you by those who must keep you believing in order to keep you "in line". This author does not intend here to try to make you believe that there "is no God". We simply cannot know that for sure during our mortal existence here on this earth. But we can as intelligent human beings and the only species on this planet with the ability to think and reason, use this ability to see when we are being duped.

    Contradictions of the Bible
    How is that there are SO MANY blatant contradictions found in the "Word of God"? Could it more than likely be that this , in a more realistic translation, could be, turn to your government in times of need. Let them lead you as sheep because it is written that thou "shalt give unto Ceasar that which is his." (In a truer translation this could be "Relax, stay in your homes like good little mice, and let the all mighty government run by ONLY the rich and powerful, male dominated society, tell you what is best for you to do...and by the way, send us MORE MONEY!) Yet did not the followers of Moses, and even the Christ himself, choose to quit doing this and flee? I find a much truer teaching in this book to be: "Do what is necessary for yourself at the time and do not look back" (or you may be turned into a pillar of salt!) How can it be written as one of the "Ten Commandments" that "Thou shalt not kill" yet also written "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live". How was it condoned from the beginning to the very end of this entire story the practice of stoning to death and crucifiction? Only in one incidence throughout "how many?" generations did someone intervene into a specific stoning and attempt to stop "not all" but just this one. Even then was it an attempt to stop the stoning of an "innocent" woman? No. She was a woman of ill-repute. One that even today the "lesson" supposedly taught us in this particular story has been completely shined on, forgotten, passed over as though, we don't really "HAVE" to pay close attention to "EVERY' "Word of God". Oh Really? Then why do you attempt to keep cramming it down my throat if I do not need to pay attention to it anyway. Does not the "Word of God" mention helping those who are poor and cannot help themselves?
    Funny I have never found anywhere in "God's Word" where it says anything about the ELEVEN Commandments as they pertain to the new Millenium.
  • "THOU SHALT ALWAYS first and foremost ask for MORE MONEY!"
  • "THOU SHALT ONLY kill and ostracize those who do not agree with you."
  • "THOU SHALT ONLY hold the great need of "In God We Trust" money before me."
  • "THOU SHALT take the name of the Lord Thy God in vain ONLY when you think I am not listening."
  • "THOU SHALT ONLY build big, fine, fancy churches with marble floors, and expensive stained glass windows and wear only the finest robes in your choirs when they sing of how well they know me (even though they have no idea of who I am) and then make sure to lock your doors at night to keep out the poor and homeless and hungry."
  • THOU SHALT congregate, each and everyone, into this fine building you have built 'for me', every Sunday Morning, try to convince each other how 'good' you were last week, and then compare clothes and new cars."
  • "THOU SHALT NEVER allow the poor and oppressed any sense of being human."
  • "THOU SHALT kick them while they're down!"
  • "THOU SHALT NOT under any circumstances allow them to earn enough to support themselves and become useful members of society strong enough to have a voice, for then they would become dangerous and overthrow me ...uh, you..."
  • "THOU SHALT congregate at least once a week in the basement of the building you built 'for me' to play BINGO."
  • "THOU SHALT ALWAYS remember to AGAIN ask for MORE MONEY!"

    Being from Missouri, heart of the Bible Belt, and the Show Me State, I issue this challange to ANY psuedo God-fearing Christian: Show Me Where it says THOU SHALT DO THAT! in your Word" of God".

    I AM an EX-Christian. 12 years of searching for the truth behind God and "His Word". I Found It. You do not need to try to explain to me God and the Bible. I know it inside out. Your letters to me will be promptly and with all the fire and brimstone of the open gates of Hell itself dumped into my Trash File. I am not interested in your God or your religion or even your idiotic opinions. I left it behind because IT IS WRONG. It is just another lie perpetuated by the "haves" to make damn sure the "have-nots" never GET. Don't even write your little hiding behind internet anonymity "Not Me...I'm One Of The Good Christians and you just don't understand!" BULLSHIT. You are the first to cross the street to keep from having to walk by a homeless man looking grubby because he cannot afford even the price of a ($5!) shower...You are the first to turn your back on him when he asks you for WORK...You are the first to take his children away and accuse of things all in the NAME OF THE LORD... You people are so full of it...Get a Goddamn life of your own. Leave the rest of the world to fend for itself without you and your "But Jesus Loves You" Crap, and watch what it can do on it's own. Of course the prophecies are coming true. You flippin' IDIOTS are making sure of it!

    There is simply not enough space on a webpage to go into the many many inconsistencies found so easily in the work of great fiction entitled the "Word of God". I can tell you this, if this is indeed the true words of the almighty powerful creator and supreme ruler of the universe, we are all in a deep deep world of shit because "He" is just as confused as you or I about what is the true and definite definitions of "Both" Right and Wrong.

    So what then is the pourpose of this site? Just to bitch and moan, cry and whine? On the contrary, it is here to voice the opinion of one who wishes to see the Christian and his religion withdrawn to the basements and cellars where it should be and to Vote loud and clear for...

    Christians Shut Up, Go Away, And Leave The Rest Of Us Alone! Leave MY Children Alone! I do Not Want Their Minds WARPED With Your Bull! They Will Be Allowed To Decide For Themselves When They Are Ready To Do So But ONLY After Knowing ALL the Facts, Not Just Your Onesided, False, and Deliberately MisLeading Teachings. You Started This Country On "Freedom Of Religion"...Now Shut Up... Practice Yours... And Allow The Rest Of Us To Practice Ours...

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