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June 30, 2000 (Email)
Corporal Punishment


Of course I'm at the center. I'm at the center (almost) everyday. Peace Corps requires us to make up an official-sounding excuse before we're allowed to leave post officially (resulting in Peace Corps volunteers being a group of liars and cheats on the order of Andersen employees). There's nothing else to do in Janakpur during the monsoon except watch TV and read - both of which I'm also doing plenty of. 

On the topic of official-sounding excuses... I'm going to a town near Lumbini (birthplace of Buddha) on Sunday for a "corporal punishment workshop." That sounds pretty good, doesn't it? Another volunteer in my group (William Golden) organized a workshop to put together a handbook about corporal punishment for the incoming education volunteers. After that, I'll be in Kathmandu briefly to do some official-sounding work for the center. Thank god! I've been in the Terai's 90+ degree weather for too long. 

The Christmas cards are adorable. I'll send you at least one.

I'd forgotten about the 4th of July holiday. Will you be home by then? I'll try to call from Kathmandu on the 4th or shortly after.

I saw some of the US Open on TV a few days ago. It's too hot for me to even think about playing golf. I was covered in sweat just sitting still and watching. If I lived here my whole life, I'd never be finished complaining about the heat. 

I'll try to catch up on movies a little bit in Kathmandu. How I miss going into a dark, air-conditioned theatre with a good picture, polite audience, comfortable seat, and surround-sound.


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