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Pakistan at a Glance
Official Name Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Founder Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah
National Poet Dr. Allama Muhammad Iqbal
Head of the State President ,General Pervaiz Musharraf : The modern leader of modern Pakistan and a strong regional force for the international fight against terrorism. Highly regarded by the West and equally liked at home.  
Capital Islamabad (since 1960, 1947-60 was Karachi)
Largest City Karachi, population of 15 million(2001), 9th largest metropolis in the world.
Area 96,095 Sq. km.
   Administrative Area Balochistan: 347,190, Punjab: 205,344     

Sindh: 140,914, NWFP: 74,521 & FATA:27,220 Northern Areas:??? 

Azad Jammu Kashmir: ??? 

Islamabad(Capital): 906 

Occupied Kashmir: ???

Population 140 million (2000)
Ethnic composition 95% Muslims, 5% others
Per capita income US$ 460 (1998)
Currency Pak Rupee (1 US$ = 46 Pak Rs, as of July 01,1998)
National Airline   Pakistan International Airlines-PIA   Other airlines are: Aero Asia, Shaheen Air, Bhoja Air
Exports Cotton, textile goods, rice, leather items  carpets, sports goods, fruits, handicrafts Sea Food (Fisheries)
Imports Industrial equipment, vehicles, iron ore,  petroleum, edible oil
Languages Urdu (National language), English (Official)  Other languages are Punjabi, Pushtu, Sindhi, Saraiki, Balochi, Barahwi, Hindko, Bulti and several other.
Pakistan National Flag
State Emblem 
National Flower Jasmine
Flora Pine, Oak, Poplar, Deodar, Maple, Mulberry
Fauna The Pheasant, Leopard, Deer, Ibex, Chinkara, Black buk, Neelgai, Markhor, Marcopolo sheep, Green turtles, River & Sea fish, Crocodile, Water Fowls
Popular games Cricket, Hockey (national game), Football
Tourist's resorts Murree, Quetta, Hunza, Ziarat, Swat, Kaghan, Chitral , Gilgit, Skurdu, Kailash, Balakot, Mirpur, Kotli, Shangri La, Mohodund, Khanspur
Archaeological sites Moenjo Daro, Harappa, Taxila, Kot Diji, Mehargarh
Major Cities Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, Peshawar, Quetta, Rawalpindi, Hyderabad, Multan, Sialkot, Gujranwala and Faisalabad
Agriculture Major crops are cotton, wheat, rice and sugarcane
Industry Textiles, cement, fertilizer, steel, sugar, electric goods, shipbuilding
Communications All the latest communication facilities are available in major cities.
Peaks  K-2 (Mt. Godwin Austen): 28,250 ft./8611 m  (2nd in World) 
Nanga Parbat : 26,660 ft./8126 m (8th in World) 
Gasherbrum-I: 26,470 ft./8068 m (11th in World)
Passes The Khyber Pass, The Kurram Pass, The Tochi Pass 
The Gomal Pass, The Bolan Pass, The Lowari Pass 
The Khunjrab Pass
Rivers Indus, Sutlej, Chenab, Ravi and Jhelum
Glaciers Siachin, Batur, Baltor
Lakes Manchar, Keenjhar, Hanna, Saiful Malook, Satpara, Kachhura
Deserts Thar, Cholistan, Thal
Nuclear Perspective After India exploded its five nuclear devices on May 11 and 13, 1998 in Pokhran-Rajasthan, also counting solo in 1974, India raced to 6-0 lead. It started threatening Pakistan by extreme firing at line of control in Jammu & Kashmir, irresponsible statements for conquering Azad Kashmir and demanding Pakistan for withdrawing its support to Kashmir and the right of self determination of kashmiri people. This is against the ideology of Pakistan as Kashmir is the unseparable part of Pakistan and its 2/3rd land is still under Indian occupation where Indian security forces are making atrocities and human right violations since 1947. With these provocations and India's nuclear explosions, the psychological and military balance had changed. Therefore Pakistan went ahead with its program in Chagai, Balochistan and made it 5-6 on May 28, 1998, then on May 30, 1998 Pakistan tested one more and made it 6-all. For Pakistan, it was absolutely essential to restore this balance and in the supreme national interest, invoking Pakistan's right to self-defence. People, politicians and leaders of different walks of life have welcomed the nuclear tests carried out by Pakistan in response to India's nuclear explosions and described it as a historic event in the 50 years history of the country. Thanksgiving prayers offered throughout the country. With the detonation of the Nuclear test devices, Pakistan has now entered a very critical part of its existence and evolution. It is a matter of concern for the future for every Pakistani and not just a few people at the top.

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