SLASHFIC: While You Were Sleeping

Title: While You Were Sleeping
Author: Danielle
Rating: PG (minor swearing, adult themes)
Disclaimer:All characters from the television series ‘Stargate SG-1’ belong to Stargate (II) Productions, Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. I’m only borrowing them for my personal entertainment, and I promise I’ll put them back all nice and proper. I didn’t profit from writing this piece, though if someone wants to pay me huge wads of cash for the copyright, I won't argue. All original characters and situations belong to me, but you can use them if you really want to - just mail me first. Also mail me first if you want to archive this somewhere else. Thank you kindly.
Author's Notes: This is the first real J/D slashfic I've ever attempted. It's not brilliant, but I doubt I can really do much better (Damn you, Mills & Boon!!!)

It was the bottom of the fifth, two out, bases loaded and the shortstop was coming on to bat. But Daniel and Jack had stopped paying attention to the baseball game two innings ago. Right now, Daniel owed Jack ten dollars... and it looked like he was going to lose again.
"Three... two... one. Another five to me," Jack said, looking up from his watch. "Want to go again? Double or nothing."
"Nah." Daniel shook his head. "As fun as it's been, I should take her back to the base."
"Spoilsport," the colonel grouched as he slowly levered his body out of the comfortable recesses of the sofa. He collected the empty beer bottles scattered over the coffee table and strode to the door, taking a moment to ruffle Rhya's hair on the way past. She jerked awake with a soft snort and stared up at Jack with bleary, green eyes.
"Guest room's at the top of the stairs on the right," he said and left the room.
"Wha-?" Rhya turned her sleepy gaze on Daniel.
He smiled and stood up. "Our beloved colonel has graciously offered to let you spend the night," he said as he bent down to scoop her into his arms.
"He has? How nice," she murmured. Sighing softly, she laid her head on his shoulder. "Do I have to share a bed with him?"
Daniel paused mid-stride. "No. Why?"
She snuffled slightly and buried her face in the crook of his neck. "He snores."
The archaeologist chuckled softly and slowly made his way up the stairs. He soon reached the door Jack had indicated and pushed it open with his shoulder. Rhya considerately slapped a light on before he had the chance to trip over something and break both their necks. As gently as he could, given his arms were just about shaking with fatigue, he laid her down on the bed that took up most of the space in the tiny room. He'd once slept in this very same bed, not long after coming back from Abydos. Not long after Sha're had been taken from him.
As soon as her head came into contact with the pillow, Rhya curled up into the foetal position and fell asleep. Grinning to himself, Daniel gently slipped her shoes off and bent over his bonded's slumbering form.
"Sweet dreams," he murmured and kissed her gently on the cheek. She snuffled and whispered something unintelligible in response. His grin widened and he quietly left the room.
"Asleep?" Jack inquired as he re-entered the den.
Daniel accepted the beer that was being proffered and flopped back onto the sofa. "Like a log. Did I miss anything?" he asked, taking a swig and letting the cool liquid slowly slide down his throat.
"Cub's got a grand slam. Look's like the ballgame's just about over for the Indians," Jack replied as he arranged himself in a kind of controlled sprawl - hands behind his head and feet on the coffee table.
Daniel plastered a mildly disappointed look on his face. He didn't follow baseball, but he made the effort for Jack's sake. "Oh well, there's always next year," he murmured, gazing at the neck of the bottle in his hands. Then he noticed the sudden tension in his friend. His eyes flicked up to look at Jack then followed his line of sight to the television.
"Go!" the colonel just about bellowed. "Go!"
There'd been a fumble in the outfield, and the pinch-hitter for the Indians was just passing second and was well on his way to a home run. Daniel couldn't help but get caught up in the excitement of the moment and he was soon cheering along with Jack.
"Yes!" he cried as the runner slid into home.
Without warning, Jack grabbed him by the shoulders and kissed him exuberantly on the lips. Daniel froze, uncertain of exactly what the action meant.
"Aw geez Danny. Quit looking at me like I'm about to eat you," the colonel said in mock exasperation.
"Yo- You're... not?" the archaeologist asked dumbly, staring into the older man's brown eyes.
Jack swallowed and returned his gaze. "Only if you want me to," he replied in a husky voice.
Daniel loudly sucked a breath through his barely parted lips. What was going on? Why was Jack looking at him like he was some kind of, well, pastry that he couldn't wait to sample? Oh dear...
"Um..." was all he could say, and he could have kicked himself for it.
Jack broke the mood by breaking into forced laughter. "I was only kidding!" he said, punching the younger man lightly on the arm. "Lighten up."
"What if I want you to be serious?" Daniel asked quietly, looking down at his hands.
That stopped the colonel dead in his tracks. "What?"
The archaeologist held his gaze a beat longer before forcing a smile onto his face. "Gotcha!" he said mischievously.
Jack's mouth worked in silence for a moment, his features showing just how gobsmacked Daniel's comment had made him. "Why I oughtta-!"
He grabbed a cushion, but Daniel got in first and dealt him a swift blow across the cheek with a pillow he'd pulled from behind him. Jack grinned and swung his own weapon, catching the younger man with his guard down. Daniel yelped and tried to move out of the way, but failed miserably and had his glasses knocked awry for his efforts. The colonel reached forward and flipped the spectacles of his friend's nose, tossing them onto the newly vacated chair.
"Hey!" Daniel protested. "No fair playing dirty!"
Jack grinned and thwapped him with the cushion. "All's fair in love and war Danny-boy!"
The two men laughed and belted each other with cushions, working their way around Jack's den and up into the hallway. Daniel finally managed to corner the older man in his bedroom, slowly advancing through the doorway while Jack mock-cowered in a corner.
"Right, you military pig-dog!" he cried in his worst Russian accent and launched himself across the bed. Jack took the opportunity to go on the offensive and also leapt onto his bed. He caught one cushion across the face and another in the stomach. He coughed loudly and rolled onto his back.
"Such is life," he gasped dramatically before letting himself fall limp.
Daniel rocked back onto his heels and chuckled. "Whatever you say, oh drama queen."
"Hey, who're you calling a queen?" Jack cried, raising his voice an octave and pouting.
"Right!" The colonel sat up and threw himself at Daniel, pinning him onto the bed. His friend could only look at him with astonished eyes as he bent down and planted a kiss on his slightly parted lips. But, he didn't struggle to be released. Gods, how long had he wanted this?
When Jack finally pulled away, Daniel blinked owlishly and swallowed. The colonel flushed a deep red and started to pull away. Gripping his upper arms, the younger man held him still and looked steadily into his eyes.
"Don't think you're going to get away this easily," he murmured in a husky voice and raised his head up to touch his lips to Jack's.


Rhya awoke with a start, her heart pounding in a rhythm akin to that of a jackhammer. Creator, what had she been dreaming about to feel like she'd just run the Boston Marathon in record time? Her skin was slick with sweat, she was panting like a dog on the world's hottest day, and she felt like someone had obligingly stuck her through a ringer... Who ended up like that after a nightmare? She smiled wryly and wondered if she'd actually been running a marathon in her sleep.
As she rolled over and closed her eyes, an imaged flashed itself across her mind. Jack? She'd been dreaming about Jack?? Gods, what was the world coming to? Squinching her eyes, she concentrated on the image. It was most definitely Jack in her dream - but there was something different about his demeanour. He was looking at her, well, passionately.
"Ew! Gross!" she whispered and searched her memory for more images. But they were all of the colonel. Jack bending down to kiss her, Jack taking off his clothes... She winced and wondered what it was about Terran beer that caused one to have surreal visions. Then another image sprung to mind - her hands on Jack's body!
Rhya's eyes flew open and she stared at the ceiling in shock. Those weren't her hands!!! If she wasn't mistaken, that was Daniel's watch wrapped around the left wrist. She gulped and took a deep breath. That was no dream she'd been having...
She let out a small squeal of delight and reached out mentally for Daniel. There he was - all tuckered out by an extended session of lovemaking and just about asleep.
Bastard she thought at him, her 'thought-voice' tinged with amusement.
He responded with a mental raspberry and slowly drifted off to sleep.Rhya made a mental note to tell her bonded not to have sex with anyone while she was in the general vicinity. It disturbed her sleep.


Daniel awoke to the smell of frying bacon wafting through the slightly open door of Jack's bedroom. Hadn't that been closed? A snort beside him caused the archaeologist to forget about the door mystery and turn to the half-sleeping man beside him. He smiled indulgently as Jack pulled a face and rolled onto his back, slinging a forearm up to cover his eyes from the now-apparent glare of the sun.
"Rise and shine, sleepyhead," he whispered in an amused tone, running a finger down the colonel's torso.
Jack snorted again and rolled onto his side, dragging half of the covers with him. "Five more minutes," he mumbled.
Daniel heaved a heavy sigh and wrapped his arms around his lover. "But we're missing the best part of the day."
The older man turned in his embrace, opened a sleepy eye and raised an eyebrow. "And which part would that be?"
It was all the archaeologist could do to keep from smiling. "Breakfast," he replied solemnly. "That involves moving you know."
"Oh, I'll move alright," Jack murmured as he reached out to cup the back of Daniel's head with a strong hand. "But it won't be downstairs."
As their lips met in a hungry kiss, Daniel vaguely heard an exasperated sigh in the back of his mind - but the feeling left as quickly as it had come. With a sigh of his own, he surrendered to the colonel's ministrations.


When he awoke once again, the bitter smell of freshly made coffee assailed his nose and dragged him into full wakefulness. Turning his head, which was about all he could do given that Jack had him in an ironclad embrace, he espied a steaming mug on the bedside table. He sent out a wave of gratitude to his bonded and gently disengaged himself from Jack's arms. Like the colonel constantly reminded him, he wasn't worth much until he'd had a cup of coffee. Except when his first action in the morning was to be involved in some passionate displays of affection.
'This is the life' he thought idly, gazing down at the slumbering form beside him.
Jack snuffled and murmured something, his voice slurred with sleep. His brown eyes slowly opened and turned their focus on Daniel. "Wha-?" he asked, spotting the mug in the archaeologist's hands.
"Courtesy of the management," he replied with a slight smile.
"Great, now she's got visions of grandeur," Jack muttered in mock annoyance as he levered himself into a sitting position.
Daniel handed him the mug and proceeded in a minute examination of his hands, which were currently fidgeting with the duvet. "Uh, Jack, we need to talk."
"Ya don't say," came the reply as the colonel disposed of the coffee mug onto the other table.
"Daniel I-"
"Jack I-"
The pair of them stopped and grinned with embarrassment.
"You first," Jack said magnanimously.
Daniel paused for a moment to collect his thoughts. He vaguely remembered reading somewhere that the last place you should discuss relationships was in the bed - but he felt mildly uncomfortable about discussing this sort of thing in front of Rhya, as irrational as that was. Taking a deep breath, he looked Jack in the eye.
"I need to know if this was a one night thing," he said in as even a tone as he could muster. He felt like an entire hive of bees had taken up residence in the pit of his stomach he was so nervous. His heart was hoping that Jack would say one thing, while his head tried to convince him that it would be the other.
Jack glanced away, as if the direct question had unnerved him slightly. He gazed around the room and huffed a sigh. "Daniel-"
"It is... was, wasn't it?" he jumped in, his insecurity getting the better of him.
"If you'd let me get a word out edge-wise, I would've said 'no'," Jack replied with barely concealed annoyance. "Would you just shut up and let me talk?" Daniel nodded silently and cursed himself for his uncertainty where Jack was concerned.
"Right. Well, I know this may come as something of a surprise for you, but last night wasn't just some impulsive roll in the hay. At least, it wasn't on my part." Jack held up a hand to silence Daniel when it looked like he was going to butt in. "Let me finish, okay? This is hard enough already. Um, believe it or not, but Rhya already knew about the way I felt. This isn't exactly a recent thing for me, I guess I've kinda had one eye towards this since I first clapped eyes on you."
"Really?" Daniel couldn't help but be slightly floored by this admission. The 'man's man' of a colonel had had a bit of a crush on him since the beginning? Wow.
"Yes really. I guess when we first met though, I wasn't about to admit it to myself let alone anyone else. What with Charlie dying and coming back to find Sara gone," his voice caught slightly as he said the name of his lost son, "I kinda felt like a bit of a failure. And with you stuck on Abydos, I just forgot about it all and got on with being retired. But when I went back through the 'Gate... I didn't really mean to be such a bastard, you know? It was just that seeing you again..." The colonel's voice trailed off into silence, tipping Daniel off as to how hard it was for him to say these things to another man. The conditioning of a lifetime was a hard thing to break.
"Rhya knew?" he asked quietly.
"Yeah, I kinda let the cat out of the bag on PX 6839R. Funnily enough, she wasn't all that shocked about it." Jack slanted an inquiring look at Daniel. "Care to tell me why?"
The archaeologist smiled self-deprecatingly. "It's kinda hard to keep a secret from her if you get my drift. She's known how I felt since roughly 'Day One'."
"Is she...?"
"No. Actually, she's rather pleased about the turn of events." Daniel grinned at the look of shock on Jack's face.
"You're kidding," he said incredulously. "But I thought-"
"She's never had designs on me, if that's what you mean. Ellyneyr was always the one for her, I wasn't even in the running." Daniel paused, sensing Rhya's presence outside the door. "You can come in, you know," he called out, adjusting the bedclothes so that she wouldn't cop an eyeful the moment she opened the door.
"Uh, hi," she said, sticking her head around the door. "I was just wondering if you two were planning on eating some time today. The bacon is kinda heading towards the wrong side of crispy if you get my drift."
"Forget the charred pig for a second," Jack said in a tone that brooked no refusal, "and get your butt into this room."
Rhya bit her lip and shuffled into the room, guilt written all over her face. "Is this going to involve you hurting me?" she asked.
"No. Did you stage last night?" the colonel asked flatly, slipping into military mode.
Rhya shuffled her feet and looked imploringly at her bonded, begging for him to intercede. "Well, maybe just a little."
Daniel finally clicked onto Jack's line of thinking. The horror he knew as Rhya had been gently pushing them together for a while, he realised with a jolt. Very subtle. The archaeologist tutted and shook his head in mock disapproval. "That was very naughty of you," he said in his severest tone.
She snorted with laughter and winked broadly. "I don't see you complaining." Her eyes twinkled with hilarity.
Daniel blushed, but managed to retain his composure. "C'mere," he said, indicating for Rhya to step around to his side of the bed. She looked at him uncertainly before complying. When she got close enough, he grabbed her wrist and jerked her into his arms.
"Thank you," he whispered, hugging her tightly. Then, without warning, he flipped her to lay between himself and Jack.
"Hey!" she cried, flailing slightly.
"As grateful as we both are," Jack said, holding her onto the mattress, "we both feel you should be made to suffer for your machinations."
"My what?"
"You should pay for being a snot," Daniel supplied.
"Oh. For a minute there I thought it was something serious," Rhya said with a sigh of relief.
"Before we let you rise, fair maiden," the archaeologist continued, "you must solemnly promise us one thing."
She raised an eyebrow and looked at them sceptically. "Before you ask, I'm not that kind of girl."
"I don't doubt you for a second there," Jack said, trying not to laugh.
"So, what do you want if its not that?"
"My fair lady..." Daniel let his voice trail off dramatically. "All we want from you is-"


Any comments or suggestions...?

© Dan 2000