Title: One Night
Author: Danielle
Rating: G
Disclaimer: All characters from the television series 'Stargate SG-1' belong to Stargate (II) Productions, Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. I'm only borrowing them for my personal entertainment, and I promise I'll put them back all nice and proper. I didn't profit from writing this piece, though if someone wants to pay me huge wads of cash for the copyright, I won't argue. All original characters and situations belong to me, but you can use them if you really want to - just mail me first. Also mail me first if you want to archive this somewhere else. Thank you kindly.
Summary: Jack prepares for bed...
Author's notes: This is just a little snippet I wrote sorta by accident late one evening - and it's my first mention of any Jack/Daniel stuff, so be nice!

Jack yawned, stretched his arms over his head and switched of the TV. It was late and he was sleepy. God I love middle age, he thought, 9 o'clock is a late night.
Gathering the few empty beer bottles from the table at his elbow, he wandered slowly into the kitchen and dumped them into the bin with a clink. He stood there, leaning against the benchtop, for a second and savoured the silence. He liked this time of night. No voices. No alarms. No emergencies. No nothing. Right now, nothing was a good thing.
Stretching languorously, he tugged his rumpled old track pants back up his hips. The elastic in the waist was just about shot, but they were comfortable. Kinda like everything else in his life right now. All… comfy. Jack snorted softly and smiled to himself. Somehow, he doubted that Sam would like being called comfy.
He glanced around the nearly pristine room before moving to the doorway and switching off the light. Padding softly down the hall, he flicked the light in the den off on his way past, and headed up the stairs towards the bathroom. Not even bothering to switch the light on, he brushed his teeth and relieved himself. And the silence still reigned over all.
He shuffled through the black hallway to his bedroom. Amazing, but up until recently he'd always thought of it as his and Sarah's bedroom.It hadn't mattered to him that this wasn't their marraige home and that she'd never actually lived there - but his mind had told him that she had. Their little hidey-hole from the rest of the world. A sanctum sanctorum.That's what he'd been telling himself for three years... Three long, lonely years. Jack paused in the doorway and let his eyes drift around the room's familiar contents. Maybe it still could be his little hidey-hole. Adopt, adapt and improve he thought idly as he pulled back the bedclothes. The story of my life. He'd purchased a new bed not too long ago, one without all the memories that he still occasionally conjured up. Him and Sarah in the early days. How they'd fall asleep holding each other close and dreaming of the years ahead. Wishing. Wanting.
It'd been Charlie's habit to climb in with him and Sarah after having a bad dream. And even when he hadn't. All three of them would lay there in the silence and just enjoy being together. If he tried hard enough, Jack could almost feel his little son's body curled up like a puppy beside his own... He felt his heart squeeze painfully in his chest. He could remember lying in his old bed, wanting his son back. Feeling that something was missing beside him, inside him. Feeling the emptiness around him. Wanting to reach out to his wife. Afraid that she'd say what he was thinking - that it was all his fault...
He opened his eyes and blinked rapidly. Now wasn't the time to be thinking about the past. What had gone before this night. That wasn't his existance any more. Groaning softly, he slid between the covers and curled up around the warm body already asleep in the bed.
"Ja-ack?" Daniel asked sleepily.
"'Sokay Danny. Go back to sleep."
The younger man snuffled slightly as he snuggled into his lover's tender embrace.
Now isn't the time to reminisce Jack thought as sleep slowly drifted across his mind and enveloped his thoughts...
Now's the time to dream of the future.


Any comments or suggestions...?

© Dan 2000