Title: Elementary, My Dear Tau'ri
Authors: Fryn [Mackenzie], Dionysus [Stowe], Vicki [Diens], Angel [McNamara] and Dan [O'Shea/Marks]
Rating: PG (Violence, swearing, all the usual crap)
Disclaimer: All concepts and characters from the television series 'Stargate SG-1' belong to Stargate (II) Productions, Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. The rest of it belongs to the people listed above - and if you want to use any of these characters you will have to contact them as applies. Aside from the official RPG archive and here, this story is not to be linked to or archived directly *anywhere* else without permission. Get it? Good.
Summary: Nice world, uncomfortable clothes, head honcho keels over. Can SG-15 solve the mystery without getting married off?

Notes: In the series 'Stargate SG-1' you rarely, if ever, get to see the other teams that are occasionally mentioned. SG-15 is one of these teams... My [Dan's] everlasting love and gratitude to Hammer for coming up with the Stargate Command RPG, without which this third monster of a collaboration wouldn't have arose.


Major Jake "Mac" MacKenzie: Commanding officer (CO). Stubborn as a mule. Opinionated. Will never accept help willingly. Possibly seen as a tad arrogant. Hey... he's just misunderstood, that's all. Doesn't mind the company of a particular Tok'ra, even though she never does what he says.

Wilhemina "Mina" Stowe: Technician/alien technology specialist. Ex-Army, Ex-Goa'uld host. Make a crack about her southern accent. Go on. I dare ya sugah.

Sergeant Adrienne Hunter: Communications Expert. United States Army trained. Compliant subordinate/little buddy extrodinare.

Angel McNamara: Anthopologist/Linguist. Resident Ice Queen (taking the title from Tirion Start). Not a fan of the military (which is evident through the lack of tolerance for authority), but is willing to do anything to get through college. Isn't particularly fond of Gate travel either.

Second Lieutenant Tatyana Diens: Psychologist/Medic. Only happy when she's drugging people and bandaging them up. Over confidence and sarcasm that borders on arrogance. Likes getting on people's nerves!

Doctor Rheannon O'Shea/Asreal of Miaro: Tok'ra Liason. Likes nothing better than having tonnes of sugar in her system. Thinks her symbiote is a necessary evil, and enjoys freaking people out by talking to herself. Still hopelessly devoted to the CO.

Technical Sergeant Tim Marks: Technician. Rhea's sidekick and occasional housemate. A bit paranoid about getting his DNA rearranged... Do you really blame him?!

Any comments or suggestions...?

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