FUNFIC: It Was a Dark and Stormy Afternoon

Title: It Was a Dark and Stormy Afternoon
Author: Danielle
Rating: G
Disclaimer: All characters from the television series ‘Stargate SG-1’ belong to Stargate (II) Productions, Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. I’m only borrowing them for my personal entertainment, and I promise I’ll put them back all nice and proper. I didn’t profit from writing this piece, though if someone wants to pay me huge wads of cash for the copyright, I won't argue. All original characters and situations belong to me, but you can use them if you really want to - just mail me first. Also mail me first if you want to archive this somewhere else. Thank you kindly.
Summary: A bit of rainy day fun....

It Was A Dark And Stormy Afternoon

"It's raining, it's pouring the old man is snoring..."

"Some people have all the luck."

"Too true Jack. What I wouldn't give for a nice, warm bed right now. And an electric blanket."

"And a hot shower."

"Oh yeah baby. And some hot chocolate."

"Mmmmmm... Chocolate."

*Giggle* "Do I get the feeling you're a closet choccie freak Sam?"

"You might do."

"Hey guys!"

"Hello Daniel Jackson."

"Guess what I found?"

"If I have to get rained on to see it, I don't wanna know."

"Would I do that?"

"Yes, yes you would."

"Who got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning?"

"Well, I wasn't going to climb over you, now, was I?"

"Okay, okay, that's enough. What'd you find Jackson?"

"Look at this."

"You went grubbing around in the mud for that?"

"I think it's interesting. Look at the detail."

"I've seen more interesting bottles of beer. And better looking ones too."

"You make such a cute drunk Jack."

"What's that got to do with anything?"

"Absolutely nothing. I just like to hear the sound of my own voice."

"Tell me about it."

"Watch it Danny, or you might find that thing lodged in a very uncomfortable place."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me."

"Enough children!"

"But Daniel Jackson and Rhya are not children O'Neill."

"Not physically, they aren't. Temperamentally, they're the equivalents of a pair of five year olds."

Together "Are not!"

*Snort* "Are so."

"Sir? You're doing it too."

"What Carter? Me? Behave like a child? Never!"

"Uh huh. Then how do you explain that slug in my boot?"

"An accident?"

"It was not an accident O'Neill. I saw you put that creature in Captain Carter's right boot."

"The truth comes out at last!"

"So I played a little joke on Carter. It's not exactly a hanging offence."

"Wait for it, Jack. We'll find a planet where it is eventually."

"Then you'll be joining me Rhya."

"How was I to know you weren't meant to use that clear sandwich wrap stuff that way?"

"By reading the instructions."

"Picky, picky."

"What did she do Sir?"

"Let's just say it involved the aforementioned sandwich wrap and all of the base's urinals."

"Ew! Good one Rhya!"

"One tries one's best."

"It took three weeks to get rid of the smell."

*Snigger* "I was wondering what the odd odour was..."

"Don't encourage her."

"Moi? As if I would."

"As if you wouldn't."

"Um, Jack?"

"Yes Daniel."

"I think there's something wrong with the artifact."

"Such as?"

"It's chewing on my hand."

"Does it hurt?"

"No, it tickles."

"Then there's nothing to worry about."

"That's what you think."

"Why's that Daniel?"

"It just left a deposit."

*Giggle* "Ah, it thinks you're a bank then?"

"I wish it wouldn't."

"Had it occurred to you to put it down?"

"Hell no, this is Daniel we're talking about."

"Thank you kindly Rhya. And I would put it down if it wasn't glued to my hand."

"Hey!! This means we get to pry it off!"

"Will it hurt?"

"Well I don't have my epoxy dissolver on me, so I guess the answer is maybe."

"Oh dear."

"Well, have you tried asking it nicely?"

"Like that'll work."

"Somehow I doubt saying 'Excuse me young fellow, would you mind terribly letting go of my chum's hand' is really going to have much of an effect."

"It just let go."


"The thing just let go."



Any comments or suggestions...?

© Dan 2000