GENFIC: Confrontation

Title: Confrontation
Author: Danielle
Rating: G
Disclaimer: All characters from the television series ‘Stargate SG-1’ belong to Stargate (II) Productions, Showtime/Viacom, MGM/UA, Double Secret Productions, and Gekko Productions. I’m only borrowing them for my personal entertainment, and I promise I’ll put them back all nice and proper. I didn’t profit from writing this piece, though if someone wants to pay me huge wads of cash for the copyright, I won’t argue. All original characters and situations belong to me, but you can use them if you really want to - just mail me first. Also mail me first if you want to archive this somewhere. Thank you kindly.
Summary: Missing scene from 'The Broca Divide.' Teal'c and Daniel have a little chat about Sha're...

Author's Notes: I'm not exactly the first person to try and write this particular scene - and I doubt that I'll be the last. As to why the writers themselves didn't have a go is beyond me, but enjoy it anyway!


For the third time in as many hours, Daniel approached Teal'c's temporary quarters - or holding cell to those outside the military (or inside it for that matter). However, unlike his previous visits, he actually knocked on the door.

"Enter," the Jaffa rumbled from inside the room.

Daniel nodded to the guards, who were no doubt sick of the sight of him, and entered the room - closing the door behind him. "Uh, hi Teal'c," he said as an opener. "How're you finding Earth?"

"I am not finding it DanielJackson. General Hammond has not yet permitted me to leave the SGC," Teal'c replied, taking the question in its most literal form.

"Er, right." The archaeologist fell silent as he collected his thoughts (and courage).

"You wish to converse with me about your wife," Teal'c said, phrasing it as a statement rather than a question.

"Uh, yeah..." Daniel licked his dry lips and took a deep breath. He isn't going to rip your arms off Jackson. Get on with it he thought.

"Why? Why her?" he finally asked, assured that Teal'c knew what he was referring to.

"Why not her? At that particular point I was not aware that Sha're was your wife," the Jaffa intoned.

"And if you had?"

"There would have been as much a chance of her being selected as Amaunet's host as when I did not know," Teal'c replied without changing expression, or even sounding remorseful.

Daniel shook his head, completely flabbergasted. "How can you be so cold-hearted about it? She was my wife!" he demanded, striding over to stand toe-to-toe with the larger man.

"I had no choice," came the reply as Teal'c looked down on the slightly shorter, yet more emotional man.

"Of course you had a choice!" Daniel all but screamed. "You could've said no!"

"I could not," the Jaffa replied flatly.

"Why, why not?!" Daniel began to wave his arms around like he always did when he was agitated. "Why couldn't you say 'no'?"

"Do you believe I derived pleasure from my activities as first prime of Apophis?" Teal'c's dark eyes bore into Daniel's, rooting him to the floor where he stood. The archaeologist just gazed at him mutely, shrugging. "I did not," he said, answering his own question. "I have done many things that I am ashamed of at the command of Apophis, DanielJackson. Things that you would not believe a person with a conscience could be capable of." His jaw tightened as he restrained his anger. "I have known for many of your years that Apophis was a false god - nothing more than a parasite - but I still obeyed his orders."

"Why?" Daniel whispered.

"If I had not, he would have made an example of my wife and child." A small muscle began to twitch in his right cheek as he contained his emotion. "He may be doing such a thing as we speak, because I chose to fight against the system lords. Because I am now the Shol'va, a traitor to my people and my god."

"Why... Why didn't you tell us you had a family?" the archaeologist asked, subdued by Teal'c's admission.

"You did not ask," he said matter-of-factly.

"True," Daniel replied slowly. "But didn't you at least think it was worth us, well, knowing?"

"You would not have been able to provide a remedy for the situation at that point. Therefore I did not deem it necessary to inform you about the fact that I had a family."

"Uh, okay...," Daniel flapped his arms helplessly. "Look, I'm sorry about..."

"It is not necessary for you to apolgise DanielJackson. If I were to be in your position I too would most likely be posing the same questions," the Jaffa replied calmly, seemingly not bothered by the confrontation.

"Thanks Teal'c. I, uh, appreciate it." The archaeologist moved towards the door. "Look, um, I have to go. We're going off-world tomorrow, to, uh, P3X 585. I have some work to do before then."

"I understand. May your mission proceed without incident." Teal'c nodded in dismissal.

"Right," Daniel said as he opened the door.

"DanielJackson," Teal'c said before he closed the door.

"Yeah Teal'c?" Daniel said, sticking his head around the door.

"You will find your wife DanielJackson, and the Goa'uld that possesses her will be removed," Teal'c said, glancing at the younger man.

"I hope so." Without another word, Daniel closed the door.


Any comments or suggestions...?

© Dan 2000