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Random Thoughts...

"Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises."
"Man's best possession is a sympathetic wife."



Web Design

The following are sites I recommend for anyone interested in designing a web site of their own. They range from very technical information such as Eric Meyer's talents in Cascading Style Sheets, to the American Association of Advertising Agencies' list of amazing advertising web sites. No matter which you visit, each can inspire new creative ideas for whatever project you're currently pursuing.

Eric Meyer
|| UIE || WebMonkey || AAAA

University of Northern Iowa

Each of the following sites references a portion of the University of Northern Iowa. Since I've spent close to four years on this campus, these sites have become daily visits for me. Hopefully others get as much use and information out of them as I do.

UNI || UNI Mailman || MyUNIverse || Office of UM&PR
Web Tools
|| UNI Calendar || UNI News || UNI Athletics


These are sites that I usually look at when I'm bored and should be doing something more productive. Half of these sites I can't afford to look at anyway, but there's exceptions to every rule. I could add a lot more but they would be just as unnecessary.

Hotmail || JDCCU || Gap || J.Crew || MapQuest || Expedia

Just For Kicks

The two sites I have listed here are just the sites those people I work with have created for themselves. I felt that since we spend so much time together doing similar work, it's only fair to mention their sites as well.

DeWayne Purdy || Jordan Henrichs

Maintained by Kali Miller
Last Modified: December 8, 2003