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The Escape, Part 4
By: *~Rivina Granger~*

On the Hogwarts Express

When it was time for every one to go back to Hogwarts, Ginny got sad. "Hermione, what if we don't see each other at school?" Ginny had asked.
Hermione laughed and said "Ginny, we're both in Gryffindor! Of course we'll see each other again! We'll see each other at meals, after classes, in between classes, and in the common room! Even at quidditch games!" Ginny was still not convinced.
"But- but-...." she never finished her sentence.
Mrs. Weasley called the children down stairs to get ready for the trip to Kings Cross station. When they got there, Mrs. Weasley kissed every body good-bye, and this time, Percy was there, of course, he left as soon as he could to see Penelope. Harry, Ron and Hermione walked through the invisible barrier at platform nine and three quarters together, and ended up in front of a scarlet train, The Hogwarts Express. The three took a place in an empty compartment, and started talking about the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher.
"I sure did like Professor Lupin! If only he wasn't a werewolf!" Hermione said sighing.
"Who ever it is, they better be prepared for..." Harry started, but couldn't finish.
"For what? For us? Harry, we're not going to do ANYTHING, but be good students, and do as we are asked! No fooling around!" Hermione send firmly.
"We don't fool around! We solve mysteries! Ones that need to be solved! Plus, Harry would have died if we hadn't of helped him solve it! Like you, finding out about the Basilisk, and Harry, finding out about the stone! We solve important mysteries if you ask me!" Ron took a breath to talk more, but Malfoy stopped him.
"Well, well, well, if it isn't Potter and his gang, Weasel and Granger! Have we been solving any mysteries lately, hmm? Or maybe getting a detention! I'm sorry! I forgot, is ickle Ronniekins afraid of going back to the big, scary school?" Malfoy said in a mother cooing her baby voice.
Ron took another breath to talk back, but Harry pulled him back.
"Hello Mr. Malfoy, Crabbe, Goyle. How have you all been lately?" it was Professor McGonagall.
"Professor! What a nice surprise!" Hermione exclaimed.
"Hello Miss Granger, Potter, Weasley. " McGonagall said quietly.
"What, uh, brings you here, Professor?" Ron asked.
"I have been told to keep and eye on Mr. Malfoy here." she nodded towards Malfoy. "I hope you don't mind, Weasley."
Ron looked shocked. "Not at all, Professor!"
"Good. Go on with your talking. Pretend I'm not here!" Professor McGonagall sat down in the corner seat. Harry looked at his friends.
"Books!" he whispered. Ron got the picture.
"Have you started reading Transforming yet?" Hermione now understood also.
"No, I haven't. I've been a bit busy!"
"I know," Harry hit Ron in the ribs. "I mean, I'm sure you have! Have you read any of your books yet Harry?"
"To tell you the truth, I did start reading Defense Against the Dark Arts For Advanced Students a few nights ago! I found it quite interesting, as well as Transforming!"
Harry didn't want to push it. He had started DADA for Advanced Students, but only read a few pages, and he had only read the back cover of Transforming.
"Uh, guys," Harry winked at Ron and Hermione. "I'm a bit hungry! Should we go find the lady with the cart of food?" Harry winked again.
"Yes, I'm hungry also!" Ron said, rubbing his stomach lightly.
"Me too!" Hermione blurted out. The three friends walked out of the compartment to the hall, and into another compartment, which was empty.
"I'm glad we can talk! I think something is going on! Why would a teacher need to watch Malfoy?" Harry panted.
"Because he's a stinking rat?" Ron suggested.
"No, but I don't think it has anything to do with Ginny! I guess she was just excited over seeing Hermione." Harry stopped for a moment. "Maybe she has gotten over seeing me!"
"What do you mean?" Hermione asked. Harry laughed at the sight of her puzzled face.
"Well, she used to hide and blush when ever she saw me, maybe now she's gotten over it! That would be good!"
"Can this train ride please be a normal one? I just want to get there without getting in trouble! When we get there, we can get in trouble!" Ron pleaded.
"Why when we get there? And who said we were going to get in trouble?" answered Harry.
"Well, I'm a bit tired, why don't we rest on this trip, then when we get there, we can talk all you want!" Hermione suggested, as she sat down on a seat.
"Well, alright, but as soon as we get there, we talk!" Harry sat down too. Ron looked relieved. He obviously didn't want to talk on the train, maybe because some one was listening in.

That was part four! Read the next one in this intriguing series... The Escape, Part 5 By Rivina Granger