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A New Member's Guide To The SCA (Barony of Coeur d'Ennui and the Canton of Axed Root
New Members Guide What is the SCA? Getting Involved Glossary
SCA Ettiquette Developing your persona Choosing your SCA name Clothing
Making your first set of medieval clothes Getting to your first event List of awards Officer Descriptions
Main Page

What does that mean?

If you've just joined the SCA you may discover that your kingdom newsletter and new friends may be hard to follow at first. People, groups and offices all assume names with a historic flavor, and there is a whole new vocabulary for everyday items as well. You'll get used to it quickly, but here are a few of the main words to start with. So, if you run across a word you don't understand, just check out this list!

Anachronism: Anything out of its proper time, from the Greek ana, backwards or reversed, and khronizein, to belong to a particular time.

Arms (also called a Device): The heraldic emblem that identifies a person or entity. Displaying arms is a right granted by the King and Queen and subject to approval by the Kingdom college of Heralds and the SCA College of Arms.

Apprentice: A student who has been accepted by a Master or Mistress of the Laurel.

Authorized: An individual who has been formally recognized as trained to an adequate level of safety in a combat or combat-related activity.

Autocrat: The individual in charge of a specific event.

Award of Arms: The first level of award that conveys rank and status in the SCA, giving the holder the right to bear heraldic Arms and use the title Lord or Lady.

Bardic Circle: A gathering where the major activity is the exchange of songs and stories in a medieval style.

Chatelaine: The officer in charge of greeting and helping newcomers. Also loans costumes and gear as needed.

Chirurgeon: (pronounced kie-rur-jun) An officer with first-aid training who stands bv at events to render assistance as needed. Chirugeons are required to have formal qualification, at least a multi-media First Aid Card and CPR.

Chronicler: The officer in charge of a group's newsletter. Circlet: A metal band worn on the head, to keep the hair out of the eyes or the veil in place. Our kingdom regulates the width of such headbands, because some circlets are used to indicate rank. Ask about the specifications before investing in one.

Clear: A word called to indicate that someone is about to draw a steel weapon, so passers-by should watch where they step.

Court: The word generally refers to a formal gathering of an SCA chapter, presided over by its ceremonial leaders. The primary activities of a court include announcements, presentations and awards from the leaders to individuals in the group.

Crash Space: Informal lodging with members of the group holding an event. Many SCA members regard anyone in the organization as a distant cousin, and make floor space available for out of town visitors.

Event: An SCA gathering, usually with a special medieval or renaissance theme. Events can be held indoors at a variety of sites or at campgrounds.

Favor: A personal token given as a mark of esteem. Favors may indicate simple friendship or a commitment to serve as consort should the fighter win a specific tournament.

Fealty: A relationship between individuals, marked by an exchange of oaths of service and protection.

Feast: An event at which the main activity is the consumption of an elaborate meal, often accompanied by entertainment.

Feast Gear: Tableware for one diner. Almost all SCA feasts assume that the guests will bring everything they need to eat in comfort, including plates, bowls, goblets and utensils. Many people also bring decorative tablecloths, candles and other items to grace their table.

Garb: The medieval or renaissance clothing worn at SCA events.

Gold Key: A collection of loaner garb and gear for the use of newcomers, generally maintained by the Chatelaine.

Guild: An organization chartered in one or more kingdoms to promote the study and practice of some particular Art or Science.

Herald: Generic term for the officers in charge of the development and registration of names and devices, and for making announcements at Court and events.

High Table: The table at a feast where the presiding nobility and the honored guests are seated. Also called "Head Table."

HOLD!: A cry meaning "Stop whatever you are doing and freeze in place until you see where the hazard is!" The basic use is in combat, but it's been extended to cover all forms of activity. Household: A voluntary association of friends or people with similar interest. organized under whatever rules the members jointly accept. Households have no formal standing in the SCA.

List: The field on which a tournament or combat activity is taking place.

Pavilion: A term used to refer to a medieval-style tent.

Period: The historical era used by the SCA as a base for its activities. Period is generally considered 600 AD. to 1600 AD.

Persona: The character assumed by an SCA member. This may involve anything from adopting a name to developing a full history for a person born and raised at some specific place and time in the period covered by the SCA.

Populace: A word describing the inhabitants of a kingdom, place or group present at an event.

Post-revel: A party, usually in a private home devoted to unwinding after an event.

Protege A person accepted as a student by a Master or Mistress of the Pelican.

Rattan: the stem of a climbing palm, used for making weapons because its weight and handling properties resemble steel, while its overall resilience and other properties permit it to be used with safety.

Scribe: A person who writes the decorative scrolls used to commemorate SCA awards. This term can apply to both calligraphers and illuminators.

Seneschal: The chief administrative officer and legal representative of any SCA group, who is also generally responsible for coordinating the activities of the group's other officers.

Squire: A fighter who has been accepted as a student by a member of Chivalry,, a Knight or a Master of Arms.

Tournament: A fighting competition.

Troll Booth: The place, at an event, where site fees are paid, waivers signed and other administrative details attended to.

Waiver: Official document signed by everyone attending SCA events, indicating that they understand the risks inherent in the activity and agree not to sue if those risks result in injury to themselves or their property.