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Welcome to the 2001 National Scout Jamboree Site of T1035

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TROOP 1035
2001 National Jamboree Web Site

The Scoutmaster's Jamboree Photo Page

Pictures shown are courtesy of Gene Fields, SM, T1035


Jamboree Photos     Washington DC Photos

These photos were taken at the Jamboree
Click on any thumbnail photo to see enlargement picture.

Lining up by patrols
Patrol Line Up
Lining up by patrols
Patrol Line Up
Patrol line Up
Patrol Line Up
Flaming Arrow Patrol
Flaming Arrows
Polar Bears Patrol
Polar Bears Patrol
T1035 Gateway
T1035 Gateway
T1035 Laundry Day
Laundry Day
Taking a break
Relaxing at camp

Opening Show
Opening Show Crowd
American Indian Village
Am. Indian Village
American Indian Village
Am. Indian Village
Scout line up
Scouts lined up
Scout lounging
Scout lounging
Scouts just having fun
Having fun
Troop photo at Jamboree
Troop photo
Another troop photo at Jamboree
Another Troop Photo
T1035 Leaders at the Jamboree
T1035 Leaders
T1035 Junior Leaders at the Jamboree
T1035 Junior Leaders
Polar Bears Patrol
Polar Bears Patrol
Duck Tape Patrol
Duck Tape Patrol
Duck Tape Patrol
Duck Tape Patrol
Captain Crunchers Patrol
Captain Crunchers
Scout in the rain
Scout in rain
Cleaning up
Jambo Clean up
Loading bus
Loading the bus

Photo compliments of Gene Fields, SM, T1035
1 Millionth Meal
Served Winner Photos

These photos were taken in Washington DC
Click on any thumbnail photo to see enlargement picture.



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