
Hey! So apparently you like fanfiction! Well you've come to the right place! My stories and others stories will be posted here. Right now I only have mine but I will post yours if you want. *See bottom of page.

If you know which story you'd like to read just click the link. Otherwise you may want to read the story **introductions.

I'm having my first annual *N Sync Fanfiction awards! If you'd like to enter or just read through the rules please go here.

I'm also having a Fanfiction contest. If you'd like to read through that, or become a character (the prize in the contest) go here.

*Do you want your story featured on my site? I can do that you know! And I'll give you *FULL* credit for it! Just email me with the name of the story, your name, what state, providence, or country you live in, who your story is about, and a brief description of it. And of course the story... whether you have it finished or not... just all that you have done. Cool, huh? :o)

**Chris' TV Show is not listed on the main page of the story introductions. To get there you go to the introductions page and scroll down to *N Sync TV and upcoming shows. His will be listed in there.

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(c) 1999/2000 They Drive Us Crazy

All works on this page are copyrighted by the website owner and cannot be used in whole or part without consent from ME! So if you'd like to post my story or use an idea, ask me first!
