Forever Young

March's Episode of Forever Young is rated PG13. Contains some swear words and sexual activity. Please keep the rating in mind. This is the third episode in the Forever Young series. If you have not read the previous ones you may do so now: 1st Episode or 2nd Episode.




Lance Bass

Justin Timberlake

Chris Kirkpatrick

JC Chasez

Joey Fatone Jr.

Tiffany Smith
Angel-Lee Martin
Charity Haspeer
Adrea Young



RECAP: Tiff and Lance hit it off, Angel and Joey hooked up, Laura told the press about Jus and Brit, JC sleeps naked, Jus and Charity did the nasty, and Danielle broke up with Lance!


Angel lightly pushed the blanket off of her. Quietly, she climbed out of bed and felt around in the darkness for her clothes. She slipped them on and woalked back over to the bed. Joey was sleeping peacefully. She bent over and kissed him lightly on the forehead.

Angel took one final look at him before walking out of the room. Softly she padded down the hotel hall.

JC awoke to a noise that came from outside his door. Didn't Laura ever pay attention to the time? He pushed the covers aside and threw on his robe. A little angrily he pulled open the door.

"What is it now, Laura?"

Angel stood there gaping. She had though that maybe she was being a little noisy but even so she hadn't expected a gorgeous guy to open his door nearly naked.

"You're not Laura." JC stammered.

"Nope. The name's Angel." She looked him up and down. "Sorry I woke you up from your uhh... slumber." Her eyes settled at his waistline.

JC followed her eyes. Quickly he covered himself up. He hadn't realized he'd been so exposed.

Angel smiled. He sure is cute. Feeling a bit flirtatious Angel edged closer to him. "Do you always sleep so bare?"

JC blushed and looked down at his feet. "I uhh... gotta go. I'm really sorry."

She made a pouty face. "Don't go just yet."

JC raised a curious eyebrow. "Why not?"

Angel grinned. "You haven't told me your name yet."

JC scratched his head. "What does that have to do with anything?"

"I don't kno... Because usually before I see a guy naked, I get his name atleast." She batted her eyelashes. "But I guess its kinda backwards this time. And besides, I'd like to put a name to the uhh..." She paused, "body."

JC smirked. "I'm Josh."

Angel returned the smile. "I'm Angel. Its a pleasure to finally know you're name, Josh."

"Yeah. Same to you."

"Do you happen to know what time it is?"

"Nope, but I can check." JC walked partly inside his room to see the clock.

Angel followed him.

"About 4:30."

"Golly! It sure is early!" Angel exclaimed.

"Uhh... Its kinda late actually."

"Whatever." She rolled her eyes but smiled.

"Hey Angel, I hafta be up in 1/2 an hour anyway so ya wanna come in for awhile? I have coffee and stuff." JC indicated with his hand towards the small refrigerator.

"Sure. I don't have anyplace to be for awhile."

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Adrea Young picked up the phone. Should I call him? What if its too late? She hesitated for a moment then dialed his number.

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Justin awoke to his cell phone ringing. Charity was still asleep next to him. He reached over her and answered it, still sounding groggy. "Hello?"

"Justin? Did I wake you?"

The voice is so familar, but I can't place it.

"Justin? Are you there?"


"Yeah! Its me! Did I wake you up?"

Justin looked over at Charity. "No." He walked out of the bedroom and into the 'living room area' of his hotel room. He closed the door that joined the two. "So, what's up?"

"I just found out the most wonderful news!"

"What'd ya find out? You'll be visiting me or something?"

"Exactly! How'd ya know?" Adrea asked.

"You are???? That's great! When are you coming?" Excitement began to overwhelm Justin.

"My flight leaves at 6:30 this morning!"

"OMG! That's in two hours!"

Adrea laughed. "Actually its in five."

"No its not! Its in two." Justin insisted.

"Jus, its in five. Its one-thirty here."

"Oh yeah! I forgot you were in Oregon."

"Yeah, well I better let you go. I just wanted to let you know."


"Talk to ya later! Love ya!"

"Love you too, Adrea. Bye!"

"Bye Justin!"

Justin turned around to go back into the bedroom, but Charity was blocking the way. Her arms were folded across her chest to hold the sheet up.

"What was that?" She demanded.

"A phone call from my best friend."

Charity sighed. "Justin, do you have a girlfriend?"

Justin was confused. "That was my best friend, Adrea who called. She's coming to visit. She's not my girlfriend."

"Ok, I believe you on that one." Charity sighed again. "Justin, are you going out with Britney Spears?"

"Wha... What?!? Where'd that come from?!?"

"When you got up with the phone I turned the TV on. The news had a picture of her and you. It said the two of you were dating."

"Well, we are, kinda." Justin mumbled.

"Kinda? Oh, you mean that you are 'dating' but she isn't putting out. Right? Justin, how could you? You used me!"

"But isn't that what you wanted?"

"Yes but not like that! You used me so... Oh I don't know how to explain it! I just feel horrible right now! If I'd known you were involved with anyone, I wouldn't have gone through with it!"

"It was good though, wasn't it?" Justin asked.

"Oh Justin! You were a virgin! You didn't last more than 10 minutes." Charity rolled her eyes.

"I was good though, wasn't I?"

Charity sighed. "Yeah Justin. You were the best I ever had." She replied sarcastically.

"Hey! That's not fair!" Justin cried.

"That's not fair?!?! HELLO! What you did to me wasn't fair! What you did to Britney, your GIRLFRIEND wasn't fair either! Don't talk to me about fair! I hate jerks like you! You're just like my exboyfriend! All he thought with was his penis, too!" Charity yelled as she ran into the other room to put her clothes on.



Wanna know where to get *N SYNC's CD's and imports? Try CDnow, the internet music store!

We want *N SYNC! We want *N SYNC! LoL! So you want even more of the best boyband? Well now you can get it! At Amazon online you can buy *N SYNC books, T-Shirts, & merchandise.


N-S-Y-N-C, *N SYNC, the five guys based out of Orlando, FL w/ 4 tremendous hits. The guys of *N SYNC want everyone to know how important it is to talk to your parents. Visit w/ other teens and *N SYNC at:

Teen Central.Net



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It was 5:00 am when Lance's alarm went off. He rolled over and pressed the sleep button. But ten minutes later it went off again. This time he turned it off and climbed out of bed. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes he pulled the clothes he needed for the day and headed to the bathroom. He stepped out of his boxers and into the shower. He let the hot water completely envelope him. Lance ran one hand through his hair. Absently he put shampoo in. He couldn't get his mind off of Tiff, or last night.


"Anybody want something to drink?" Chris asked.

"Whaddya got?" Angel asked from her position on the couch.

"I dunno." Chris laughed. "Lemme just check."

Chris left the room, leaving only the couples.



Wanna know where to get *N SYNC's CD's and imports? Try CDnow, the internet music store!

We want *N SYNC! We want *N SYNC! LoL! So you want even more of the best boyband? Well now you can get it! At Amazon online you can buy *N SYNC books, T-Shirts, & merchandise.


N-S-Y-N-C, *N SYNC, the five guys based out of Orlando, FL w/ 4 tremendous hits. The guys of *N SYNC want everyone to know how important it is to talk to your parents. Visit w/ other teens and *N SYNC at:

Teen Central.Net



"So." Tiff said.

"So what?" Angel asked.

"I dunno! I was saying that hoping someone would start a conversation!"


"So..." Joey began, smiling at Tiff.

"So, how long are you girls staying in town?" Lance asked.

"Depends." Tiff said slyly.

"Depends on what?" Lance replied, scooting closer to her.

"Depends on how long you are going to be here." Tiff said softly, looking directly into his bright green eyes.

"In that case, I guess we'll be staying a little longer." Lance responded as his lips moved closer to hers.

Angel nudged Joey. "Look!"

"Looks like those two really like each other."

"They aren't the only ones." Angel murmured.

Joey grinned and begin leaning forward but suddenly Chris walked back in the room. "Whoa! Make-out time, huh? Who do I get?" He joked.

Lance and Tiff stopped and they both began to blush. The other three began to laugh.

"Geez, Lance. You sure move fast!" Joey teased.

"Aww, shuddup." Lance said.

"You too, Tiff. I've never seen you move so fast in my life!" Angel laughed.

Tiff's face turned an even brighter red. "What time is it?"

Lance glanced down at his watch. "Its fifteen after three."

"Wow. Are you serious?" Angel asked, disbelief on her face.

Lance nodded his head. "I can't believe the time has gone by so fast."

"Yeah, I know. It seems like we just got in here." Tiff agreed.

"Not to get off topic or anything, but Chris, where the heck are our drinks?" Joey asked.

Everyone laughed. "Joey! You are nuts!" Angel cried.

"Nope, babe. I just have 'em."

"JOEY!" Chris screeched. "Not in front of the g-i-r-l-s!"

"Chris, its a little late for that. We've already taken sex-ed." Angel giggled.

"Really?" Joey said, in a very interested tone.

"Yes really!" Angel laughed as she poked him in the stomach.

"Anyways, Chris, where are our drinks?" Tiff asked.

"Oh. I didn't have any!"

Everyone groaned at that.

"Oh well. I guess Angel and I should be heading back to our room anyway. It is getting pretty late and I'm sure you guys will hafta wake up early this morning."

"Well, then. Let me walk you back to your room." Lance replied, taking, Tiff's hand in his.

"Lance, ever the gentleman." Chris teased.

"Not me though. Hey, babe, wanna have a sleep-over?" Joey asked, wrapping his arm around Angel's waist.

"Sure, why not?" Angel grinned.

"Joey! And you talk about me moving fast!"

"You all better move fast outta my room! I need my beauty sleep ya know! And besides, all this mush is makin' me gag." Chris said.

"Alright, alright. Night, Chris." Lance replied.

"See ya Chris!" Joey and Angel called as they walked down the hall way together.

"Good night Chris. See ya later."

"Bye Everyone! Have a good night! And don't do anything... aww, nevermind! Just have a good night!" Chris hollered to everyone.

"I really had fun tonight, Lance."

"So did I. Too bad we only have two more days here." Lance said sadly.

"Only two days?" Tiff repeated.

"Only two days." Lance replied.

"That's not enough. We just met!" Tiff cried.

"I know. Sometimes I wish I weren't..." Lance trailed off.

"Weren't what?" Tiff asked.

"Nothing. Nevermind."

"Weren't a world famous pop-star?"

"What?" Lance cried suddenly.

"You heard what I said. I should have told you sooner. I know who you are Lance. I know you're from *N Sync. But that's not why I like you. You're a sweet guy. And you're funny and smart and... adorable." She finished.

"You knew who I was all along? And you still treated me like a normal person?"

"You are a normal person. You just have a different career from most people." Tiff said softly.

"Thank you."


"For treating me like a normal person. That means a lot to me."

"No problem. This is my room by the way." Tiff smiled. She stood with her back to the door. "I..."

"I want to see you again tomorrow." Lance said taking both her hands in his. "You're a really cool person to hang out with. And I want to spend as much time with you as I can."

She blushed. "Right back atcha, boy-o. But for right now you better go catch some ZzZzZ's so you'll be all rested for tomorrow."

"Yeah. So I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah. I'll be at club Oasis all night."

"I'll come by there after the show."

"Alright. I'll see you then."

"Yeah." Lance tipped her chin up. "Tomorrow." He murmured as he kissed her. **********************************************************************


Writer: Tiff Smith
Producer: Tiff Smith
Creator:Tiff Smith
Forever Young sung by *N SYNC

Forever Young is a fictional drama created only to entertain viewers of They Drive Us Crazy's website.

If you'd like to make an appearance in the next episode of Forever Young, email me with the following information.

  1. Name
  2. Age you'd like to be
  3. Physical description
  4. Hobbies
  5. What part you'd like to play

Note: What part you play doesn't garuantee you that role. You cannot play someone other than yourself and girlfriends of the guys are not allowed. Sorry. But one night stands, flings, friends, producers, your group and other such things are. If you don't appear in the next episode, I'll personally email you and tell you. But you can be sure you'll be the next.

If you'd like your website to be a commercial, email me your name and the URL. I'd love to have more commercials. The only thing I ask in return is that you link me. Thanx!

|Intros|First Episode|Second Episode|Main Page|