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Expansion Encounters - with Dusty
Life is Heaven in 2007!

A special thank you to all of you who continue to support Life Now and our ventures!

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You can read archive issues of "Expansion Encounters" at Archives

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by Dusty Reed

With the freshness of the new year, many of us are contemplating our ideals and how to fulfill them. Wealth often comes to mind.

Wealth and prosperity are attitudes that allow experiencing each moment with joy. To experience wealth in all areas (spiritually, mentally, physically, monetarily), we must discover our own thoughts, ideals for excellence and the laws concerning wealth or poverty. Wealth and prosperity are ours. We can accept this truth. Accepting willingness may take some soul searching. True willingness will bring wealth, prosperity and satisfaction in full self-expression.

Taking responsibility provides the nutrient that gives strength for growth. Commitment of ideas, energy, time, talent, money and love offer the key to prosperity.

Some say one can be a millionaire simply by mentally willing it so. Just trying to zap it out of thin air probably will not bring it into material existence. If it were that easy, there would be less poverty and middle class in this world.

In the area of finances, there are many outside influences. Some of them seem to bombard us with, "you need this to make yourself physically fit," or "you need this to make your life more complete." Most likely, we do not need any of the items.

We can have far more than what the outside can offer. If we throw the concern for finances out the door, continuing to buy things we really do not need or that do not provide satisfying or lasting joy, we deprive ourselves of the things that can give internal and eternal joy. The concern is not so much that we can save for a rainy day as it is in showing ourselves that we are capable of handling responsibility.

Financial responsibility influences how we take responsibility in other areas. If we can discipline ourselves with how we handle your finances, we discover discipline working more easily in other areas. This is because handling finances if often the most difficult. Once this area is under good management, the other areas are much easier to control.

Taking responsibility with integrity aligns values and offers a wholesome feeling. Each completion can provide another opportunity that is more outstanding than any previous experience.

The important matter is to keep financial concerns in balance with other areas. Before they become a hindrance, they require some consideration. "What status do I give money? Where is lack holding me back? Where is abundance a problem or where is the fear of losing it an obstacle?"

By observing where our time, attention, thoughts, words, actions, money and energy are vested, we know this is where our interest lies. Does it promote or hinder? We can energize our lives by acknowledging who we are.

Do you know your heartthrob or have you pushed it back into the recesses of your mind, convincing yourself that it is not possible to attain this ideal way of living? Self-talk may step to center stage, saying such things as, "you can not make a living at that." "You have a family to support." "This is too much of a risk." What is each day of our lives if it does not include risk? Why listen to the inner critic and live a life of hollow dreams? We can tep out and take command of our lives. Follow your heartthrob.

If there several possibilities possible, you can begin a "seek and find" project. Relax your mind from the surroundings of the moment. Dream big. List all of the possibilities that you have ever wished that could be an enjoyable lifestyle. If you already know the type of living you prefer, you are half way there.

What are the desirable and reachable goals? These may be any desirable considerations. There might be a desire to give financial help for education to a loved one. Maybe it is an aspiration to learn a new trade or hobby. Is there a yearning to travel? Writing hopes brings them from dreams into possibilities.

Finances may or may not play a major part in attaining a chosen style for living. There are many creative professions, yet many people believe that they cannot support a living in one. There are many who rise above these fears.

In recent years, more and more are taking the plunge to fulfill a heart's delight, regardless of one's previously education and career. We call it personal fulfillment.

If there is something that you believe you would really like to do, listen for inner guidance for ways of accomplishment even if it is part-time or as a hobby. There may appear to be stiff competition in the field of your interest, but it is not about competition. It is not even about making a living.

Are you sure enough of your goal to exercise your freedom to follow that dream? Your life is worth expressing in an area that gives you joy. Challenge your thinking. Give yourself occasion to offer gratitude for the opportunity to seek and find what you most desire.

Find a way to express your dream. Do not just make it something else you must do in your busy day. Do not put it off until a less hectic day. Make it something that you look forward to, something that recharges your enthusiasm. You will discover so much about yourself and have such a sense of fulfillment that you will wonder why you did not start sooner. Prosperity is happening!

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Fellowship with God
the Creator, as my Creator
Creating my thoughts,
Creating my feelings,
Creating my understanding,
Creating my being,
Creating my surroundings
is prosperity.
God loves me.
~ by Dusty Reed

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It Will Work
By Dusty Reed

Creative dreaming? Why not? It provides much pleasure in the process and can often open channels of awareness toward achieving prosperity.

Think about what you could enjoy doing more than anything else.

Play around with the possibilities in your head. Write ideas on paper. Think affirmatively. Prevent any possible limitations as you begin the creative process. The practical will take its place as it becomes necessary. There is no place for it in the beginning stages. Let your imagination have free reign.

Is there any possibility of developing this into a profitable income supplement or a possibility of it as a source of total income? Write a few suggestions as action steps you could take to get a business rolling in this desired field.

Invest as much time as possible, through the next several days, developing ideas. This is for attainment of any preferable project. If you put it away too soon, it will remain a "someday I would like to..." You can run it through your entire creative process right away. You will soon be likely to claim, "I am starting now to make this work."

Some sites I recommend:

Spiritual Endeavors

Spirit Link

Touch Drawing

Awakening Path

Conversations With God

Tickle Your Soul

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It is my joy to share with you that I now have some new rose drawings and some photographs available at! You can view them at Dusty's Roses
And, I have a page with note cards (for sale) with some of my rose drawings. You can check it out by going to Rose Descriptions.
I have been posting nearly all of my drawings that are not displayed elsewhere at Rose Garden I have two galleries there. The other is at Reed's Loft. It has various photographs, other drawings, and notecards available.

My sister-in-spirit, Sunny, has several of her drawings and has added new photos at, too, at Sunny's Art Work

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And, for anyone who enjoys playing at ebay, lots of goodies (records, Christmas decor, books & post cards) are available at Dusty's eBay

You are welcome to forward this newsletter to friends who might be interested! If they would like to subscribe (at no cost), they can write to me at Expansion Encounters as subject). Thanx muchly!

Working toward consideration and to better humanity, we want to encourage free enterprise, free speech. We are Life Now, a spiritual happening on and off the Internet.

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