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Let's take a journey - to a place where nature is at its best - lots of trees and rolling hills surrounding - a college campus in the heart of Missouri...

When we arrive we are greeted by those who seem to be long-time soul mates - whom we have met thru email! Jean was there, of course, and Julie with David, too. Julie truly does love to give hugs, in person, as well as online!

Shortly arriving was Connie. She was certainly *different* in person than I imagined thru her email posts! She has a tremendous sense of humor - kept us laughing throughout the conference. A bit more about that later.

Elaine1111 swept by but didn't have a chance to meet her until later. Miguel was there, too, of course!

Marsha (mflanghorn) and her son, were there from Washington DC.

Kimberly (tmate) was there but I didn't *find* her! (Just now realized that!) Jean introduced us when I arrived Friday but Kimberly had had a long day and was exhausted so we intended to make connections later.

Robert surprised us because we didn't know he was planning to be there!

Carol bro't a special charm, better late than never - and she and I were partners in a communication exercise.

Is that everyone from the Partners email group who was there?

We immediately felt free to visit openly, spiritually in the now, with *new* souls, too, whom we hadn't met online.

On with the agenda. We had delicious meals - nutritious and very tasty - and plentiful! After meals, we had to listen to Carl's jokes before we could get the agenda for the next happenings.

Friday evening we gathered for a campfire - a huge circle - with 65 of us present it did indeed make a BIG circle! The "campfire" was a gathering of candles in the center of the room!

Anita, a new soul to me, is from England and now lives in the States. She has a marvelous accent and led the meditation at the beginning of campfire both evenings and for the closing Sunday morning. A powerful spirit! There is more about my experiences in these meditations at the url listed at the end of this page.

Jean then proceeded to have us dig up and write out the "extra baggage" we might be carrying - unfavorable attitudes about ourselves or about others and then release it by taking action and walking up to toss it into the basket, never to bother us again.

The evening session ended by about 9:00. Many physical beings were very tired after long travels that day. We had souls from Canada to Texas and from California to New York, from MANY states, there.

Kate, from Canada, is collecting material through interviews, to put together a book relating to the Brotherhood so, with her tape recorder and attache in hand, she rode to and from the Conference Center with me each day.

Saturday morning breakfast at 8:00 was again a delicious meal. And, more jokes from Carl! We were given the privilege of having many extended "breaks" where we gathered in informal small groups and developed our own discussions! More about what I gained from these discussions at the url at the bottom of this page, too.

We came together as a full group for a morning symposium with 4 panelists: Ron (if you've ordered any of the God-mind books, you've probably contacted him to do so), Connie, Ruby and Elaine1111.

Each presented a 15-minute talk on different aspects of God-mind. Ron's topic was "A Call to Arms" with highlites touching on the importance of being non-judgmental to his finale of a delightful demonstration of a self-hug and encouraged us to give ourselves a hug.

Connie's presentation.... well, it was unique! She picked up her cell phone and called the God-mind HotLine! She asked a question concerning how to stay attuned to God-mind throughout the day. She repeated the responses she received from the operator, which included much computer "tech" talk! We roared! It was a delight. Then, she asked the "operator" if she could put him/her/it on "speaker phone" and then she put down the cell phone and spoke to us directly - with personal experiences of her contact with the Brotherhood. Her finale included giving us a direct line to the Brotherhood, by calling 1-800-Godmind! (And before you try it on a "real" phone, there is no such number listed in any earthbound telephone directory!)

Ruby then shared, using "we" rather than "I," from what I considered a charismatic background. She projected enthusiasm and sincerity and directed us to our heart and to the "Father" in us.

Elaine1111, our finale speaker, is a full-time therapist and workshop leader. I was very impressed with her talent and manner of expression - very casual, an occasional teasing comment to others on the panel and to Jean. One impression she left with me was from a statement that there is no such thing as "other."

Following this, we took another extended break where small groups formed naturally for impromptu discussions.

We then gathered again for a question and answer session with the four speakers. One question was "how to know when to stay detached from world/community happenings that bring trauma and destruction." This was discussed from several viewpoints.

After a delightful salad bar lunch and another informal small groups get-together, we gathered for further presentations from the first two of the morning speakers. Ron presented the importance of Silence and Connie countered that with the importance of Action. She did finally concede that Silence is as important as the Action.

We were "impressed" with the temperatures Warrensburg was experiencing. It was 93* when we arrived on Friday and temps reached mid/high 80's on Saturday. The buildings were cool - almost too cool at times - so we were in/out staying cool and then out to get warm!

The final session of the afternoon was presented by the last two speakers. Ruby gave an "opportunity" to write more unfavorable emotions/traits that we were ready to release. We then wrote what we were willing to accept to replace those emotions/traits. Elaine1111 then had us write a letter to someone we'd experienced some type of dissention with in the past. She explained that it is much more effective to write it at the time of the happening. We wrote the letter, expressing our feelings and whatever we wished to share. Then, we were invited to tear up those sheets and deposit them in "the basket." The ill-feelings were dismissed as we tore the paper and released it. We did some physical stretching and releasing, too.

Our next break was for an hour and a half so we had time to browse around the lovely campus grounds or do whatever our heart told us. I walked back to the dorm with a couple of gals and then back to the Conference Center for another delicious meal - included short cake for dessert!

The evening brought another campfire with everyone in a big circle. We began with some beautiful songs about teaming up with the Brotherhood, which had been set to familiar songs so were easy to sing. We then found the quietude in meditation, led by Anita

There was an *empty* chair next to the campfire. This was the chair of the Brotherhood. Jean led us to image and audibly offer friends/family/others to be *put* in that chair to receive all the Love we were focusing in that *direction.*

Jean then passed out booklets, given to her by the Brotherhood, with blessings, affirmations and promises. We were to draw out a book and make sure it wasn't our own. Names were at the beginning of each booklet. We then found the person the booklet belonged to and ceremonially presented it to them with a blessing. Cleo, the receiver of the booklet I drew out of the basket, gave me a hug and a blessing and thanked me for writing the books BEFORE I could even make her presentation! Sweet soul!

We closed our large group and retired back to our rooms or into smaller groups.

Sunday morning, another big, delicious breakfast - and more of Carl's jokes. Thank you's were offered to several different souls who had participated in helping with the seminar. Jean requested "pictures" to place on a big inner-mind mural. Many traits, people and creations of beauty were called out.

Once again, Anita led us in our closing meditation. She asked us to visualize something that had already happened for me in the meditation Friday eve! (More about that at the url at the bottom of this page.) This meditation ended with a dance of celebration. Putting together of hands, singing, and many hugs were offered.

As hugs were given, I could feel the tears surfacing as I hugged Elaine. She was no longer Elaine1111. She was now just dear, sweet Elaine!

As the finale, some were ready to leave, including myself, while others were staying over til late afternoon or Monday morning, to catch flights home. Blessings that everyone arrived home safely.

You may now care to visit WHAT I RECEIVED or go to myFRONT DOOR to see more of my site.

Email Dusty