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Secret Assassin of Clan Skreek

Shadow-Pelt was born to Warlord Gnashik's favorite breeder. He conceived a scheme when he discovered that a female child had been born with fur coloration the same as his. Entering the breeder warrens, he took the slate gray infant from its mother and announced that he would devour this abomination. A gray-furred female, indeed!

Gnashik took the babe back to his warrens and called for the twin assassins, Skrix & Skrax. He gave the baby female to the two assassins to sneak out of the clan's warrens. Gnashik ordered them to take the female back to their clan and secretly raise her to become an assassin. In return, he would contribute twice as much warpstone to their clan while she was trained.

Skrix & Skrax did as bid and trained the child in secret. The Master Assassin of their clan was no fool, though, and discovered what they were doing. Instead of being enraged, he was highly impressed by the young female's abilities. He took over Shadow-Pelt's training and quickly she surpassed even her former instructors.

Shadow-Pelt even learned to control the ebb and flow of her chi, giving her powers that even her Sensei did not posses.

As a final test, her Sensei sent her to Cathay to confront a man-thing monk that was reputedly the best martial artist in the land. Shadow-Pelt returned with his spear.

Now, Shadow-Pelt is the secret assassin of clan Skreek. However, her true loyalties lie not with her father, but to her Sensei.

275 pts.

Shadow-Pelt can be taken in any Skaven or Eshin army. She takes up two Hero choices. She must be used as listed here and can take no other magic items or abilities.


Weapons: Sword, naginata, smoke bombs.

Special Rules

Poisoned Attacks, Leadership, also the new rules listed below:

Flurry of Blows (Rat-Man Fu): Shadow-Pelt fights best on her own. She fights with her blade, the metal spurs worn on her ankles, and the poisoned barb on her tail. Note that all of htese attacks count as Poisoned. If fighting as an individual model she gains +2 Attacks due to her whirling dance of death. If she is fighting a lone model, either a single model or a character in a challenge, she get +3 Attacks instead. She represents her being able to fully concentrate on a single opponent and use all of the weapons available to her.

Naginata: Shadow-Pelt has a deadly skill with the naginata she took from the monk she defeated in Cathay. In addition to any other attacks she can make, Shadow-Pelt gains one attack with the naginata. This attack has the Killing Blow special ability. Note that this ability is NOT Poisoned as well.

Dodge: Due to her perternatural speed and reflexes, Shadow-Pelt has a 5+ Ward save.

Master Infiltrator: Shadow-Pelt is so skilled at infiltration and camoflauge that she follows all of the rules for Scouts except that she can be deployed within LOS of an enemy.

Kuji-In: By controlling her internal chi and executing precise hand movements to channel this power, Shadow-Pelt is able to disappear and reappear seemingly at will. In game terms this is treated as a Bound Spell of Skitterleap with a Power Level 4. Note that Shadow-Pelt is NOT a wizard so does not contribute to Power or Dispel dice. Also this spell can only be cast on herself and is NOT cast as an Eshin Sorcerer. (She cannot teleport into combat.)
