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 Full Moon Water

Every Full Moon take a jar or bottle of water outside and set it where the light of the Full Moon will shine on it.

Leave it there as long as the Moon is out. Ask the Goddess to bless the water with Her light and love. Now take the jar and close it tightly. Keep it to use in all rituals and spells that require water.

When the next Full Moon comes, pour the remaining water in the grass or a garden as an offering to the Goddess.


This is just a simple banishing spell. It's for when you continue to let the people in your past influence your future.


a white piece of paper, no lines, any size is fine

A writing utensil

A lighter

Write the name of the person who is constantly in your thoughts three times on the sheet of paper followed by an affirmation, such as "I will no longer allow you to have control over my life." Read the affirmation out loud to yourself.

While continuing the affirmation, burn the piece of paper. This spell is really quite easy. You can use computer paper, a pen, and even a match if you don't have a lighter.


    Write down your question(s) if you wish or plant them firmly in your mind.

Sit or lie in a comfortable position where you will not be disturbed.

Ground and center.

Become aware of each breath you take. Focus only on your breathing for a short time. Picture a landscape that is comfortable to you: a cave, a beach, a meadow, a forest clearing - wherever your mind takes you is where you are supposed to meet your guardian. Not only see this landscape, but concentrate on the smells and the sounds around you.

Continue visualizing your surroundings until they are firmly planted in your mind and you can see, smell and hear clearly everything that is around you.

This may take some practice, and you may wish to work only up to this point until you can become immersed in this world.

Picture a well or running water in the middle of this landscape; imagine all of your negative feelings being bundled into a black ball in the middle of your body. Push this black ball outside of yourself and throw it into the moving water or well and see it leaving you.

Now picture a white ball of light hovering over your head. See this white light descend and spread over your body until it envelops you and fills you.

Call upon your guardian or spirit guide to be with you. You do not have to talk out loud. You will know when your guide is present - it may appear to you physically or you may hear voices in your head, you may smell flowers or perfume of some sort or you may simply feel a tingling sensation, especially on the back of your neck.

Greet your guide and ask your question(s) or simply converse with it. You may get an answer right away - it could be spoken, it could be a symbol of some type. You may not receive your answer until later, even days later, so after your exercise be very aware of patterns or symbols you come across in your everyday life.

When you are finished conversing, thank your guide or angel. Return to normal consciousness by becoming aware again of your breathing and the sounds around you. Ground and center again.

Write down your experiences; whatever symbols you were shown or what you heard.

SLeep circle spell

  Face the direction of the head of the bed. (Say it is at the North)

  With your fingers trace a Pentagram in the air. Turn to the East   and repeat. Same with South and West. Using your mind, set each   Pentagram in flames. With your fingers, trace a flaming line from   each Pentagram, until you have four Pentagrams and a circle glowing   around you. Connect North to South circling over and under you. Same   with East and West.

You are now enclosed in a globe of Pentagrams   and lines that are glowing.

This circle can be set up just around   your bed, or can be extended to include your house and property.

It   will dissipate by dawn and you can walk through it without causing   problems if necessary (like to go to the bathroom).

Sleep circle --


Conjure circle round the bed

Where I lay my weary head

That in its gold and silver light

I will spend a peaceful night.

    So Mote It Be.

Soft Mead

1 quart water, preferably spring water

1 cup honey

1 sliced lemon

1/2 tsp. nutmeg

Boil together all ingredients in a non-metallic pot. While boiling, scrape off the rising "scum" with a wooden spoon. When no more rises add the following:

pinch salt

juice of 1/2 lemon

Strain and cool.

Drink in place of alcoholic mead or wine during the Simple Feast.


3 pounds honey

2 egg whites

1 ounce of yeast

1 lemon

1 gallon of spring water

Put honey and grated rind from the lemon in a large saucepan or preserving pan with the gallon of spring water. Beat the two egg whites until frothy and add to the other ingredients in the pan.

Place the pan over heat and stir as mixture comes to boil. Simmer gently for one hour.

Pour liquid into large bowl and leave until lukewarm, then stir in the yeast. Cover bowl and leave in a warm place for three days. Stir daily.

Then strain through cheesecloth and bottle. Cork loosely. Push corks down gradually as fermentation ceases.

Store bottles in a cool, dark place.

The mead will be ready to drink in one year.


Before dawn, takke a branch from any tree. Thank the tree for its gift, and leave a coin or semiprecious stone at its base as payment.

Next, obtain several brightly colored flowers on long stalks. Tie these flowers to he branch to fashion a sort of broom, then sweep the floor in every room of the house, visualizing the flowers of the broom absorbing negativity and "eveil" as you work.

Then, still before sunrise, leave the broom at a crossroads. Traditionally, in the Southwest United States and Mexico, this ritual is repeated at the first of each month.

......from THE MAGICAL HOUSEHOLD by S. Cunningham and D. Harrington.

