Omni Cancun Hotel & Villas, Mexico
May 23-27, 2003

Kelley Planning and Educational Services invites you to participate in our fifth international planning and assessment conference in exciting Cancun.



Click on the appropriate link at the bottom of this page to view Presentation Abstracts.


The National Student Clearinghouse will join us again as an exhibitor.


The Omni Cancun Hotel & Villas will serve as the conference hotel. The nightly room rate will be $89 + tax for a single or double for the group dates of May 22-28. Subject to availability, this special conference rate will also be honored three (3) nights prior to and three (3) nights after the group dates listed above. Room reservations can be made by phone at 1(800)843-6664 or online by accessing the hotel web site at ( When making your reservations, please ask for the Kelley Planning and Education Center Conference to get the special rate.


Bellmen: $4.00 per person in/out
Maids: $3.00 per room per night


The conference registration fee structure follows:
Regular Fee - $250
Presenter's Fee - $225 / $200 for more than one presentation
Veteran's Fee - $225 if attended one Kelley conf. / $200 if attended two / $175 if attended three/four
Team Member Fee - $175 for each member of an institutional team of three (3) or more
CAPS Attendee Fee - $150 if attend the 2003 CAPS national conference

NOTE: all fees will increase by $50 if not paid by March 23.

Your registration will entitle you to the conference program and other information, attendance in all plenary and breakout sessions, the opening reception, three continental breakfasts and four lunches. Please contact Larry Kelley ( for information on conference arrangements, registration, and/or hotel reservations.


As a service to conference participants, we will film all sessions again this year. In addition, special emphasis will be placed on the city of Cancun and activities outside of the formal conference to create a keepsake video for conference participants. Videos of individual sessions and the keepsake video will be available at a modest cost. In addition, the keepsake video will be used to promote the conference series, and a video containing several individual sessions will be provided to attendees at workshops around the country at no cost.


We will dispense with formal evaluations for this conference. Please provide a few minutes at the end of your session for questions and to get feedback from participants.


Friday, May 23
7pm -9pm: Opening Reception

Saturday, May 24
11:30am-1pm: Opening Lunch & Keynote Speaker
1pm-5:05pm: Concurrent Sessions

Sunday, May 25
7am-8am: Continental Breakfast
8am-12:15pm: Concurrent Sessions
12:30pm-1:30pm: Lunch

Monday, May 26
7am-8am: Continental Breakfast
8am-12:15pm: Concurrent Sessions
12:30pm-1:30pm: Lunch

Tuesday, May 27
7am-8am Continental Breakfast
8am-12:15pm: Concurrent Sessions
12:30pm-1:30pm: Lunch

2001 Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico
2002 Conference in Honolulu, Hawaii
Cancun Planning and Assessment Conference Hotel
Cancun Planning and Assessment Conference Registration Form
Cancun Planning and Assessment Conference Presentation Abstracts
Required Documentation and Identification to Travel to Mexico
Things to See and Do in Cancun
Airline Ticket Search Engine #1
Airline Ticket Search Engine #2
Airline Ticket Search Engine #3
Airline Ticket Search Engine #4
Cancun Planning and Assessment Conference Tentative Program