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Unbalanced, Inferior, Toxic Foods and
Their Influence on Mankind's Genetic Growth

__There are many foods in todays market that are substandard in providing optimum health. The living energies have dissipated leaving an inferior nutrition for sustenance. These foods were originally processed for long term storage or shelf life in times of winter or famine. Other foods are processed and designed simply for taste. Through time, these foods have been adopted as mainstays in the everyday diet. In this, the richness in living foods have been put aside for an unbalanced, inferior diet of degenerated nutrition.

__In processed grains and other foods, the basic elements have been separated and a portion removed for taste or cooking ease. This creates a molecular imbalance in its original design and function. They add other processed elements and call the products enriched, but the truth is , what is used to reinstate the nutrition of the food is inferior to its original design. Beyond this they include stabilizers, additives to keep the foods from packing, for easy flow, artificial colors, artificial flavorings, artificial sweeteners, preservatives, etc ... Canned and bottled foods and juices have been previously cooked. They've already lost some of their health giving qualities. In canning, some of the metal may leach into the food it contains. This is toxic to the human body.

__In frozen foods, the freezing process separates the foods molecular structure and burns it with extreme cold. In shipping, these products are loaded and unloaded from station to station. Thawing can occur during this process and then their refrozen. As they thaw the evanescent properties are released in vapors and its physical nature deteriorates and decays to some degree.

__Oils that are used should be pure and natural. Cold pressed are the best. Refinement and the hydrogenation of oils have been linked to cancer because of their toxicity.

__Unnatural beverages concocted and produced by man are also detrimental to the physical and spiritual nature of man.

__In cooking, the utensils you use are important. You should never use aluminum. Aluminum oxide has been found to inhibit neuron activity in the body. Without this electrical activity in the brain and body, the messages to and from the brain through the nervous system are diminished, grounded and blocked. It's especially tragic in brain functions, such as memory, balance, eye hand co-ordination and other thinking processes. It also increases the aging process due to its toxicity.

__In the food preparation and dining industry, there are those who are unhappy, uncaring and sometimes sick. They are low wage earners and some care very little for their profession. They can be neglectful and unsanitary in their work habits. Since they make little money, they have to go to work even when they're ill. They can and do forget to wash their hands after using the toilet, sneeze, cough and pass on to the consumer the bacteria and viral strains they carry. These conditions can also be passed on to the consumer on the packaging of the products.

__In the manufacture of animals and animal products for food, they've extended the already toxic nature of flesh and blood to the extremes. The animals they use are fed on and inoculated with a variety of antibiotics, steroids, hormones and other agents of a preservative nature. These elements are stored in the animals blood, flesh and fats. When slaughtered and packaged, the consumers receive the entire array of chemicals, drugs and concoctions created by man to increase the production of a profitable commodity.

__These flesh food products, from the time of death until reaching the consumer, can be long enough for corruption to set in. Certain bacterial strains grow on the flesh and blood breaking it down and consuming it. If improperly cooked or passed on to other foods by surface contact, these organisms will invade the human body. Here they multiply and start breaking down and consuming their human hosts.

__Within the human body, all of the unnatural chemical elements contained in processed foods and those given to animals are assimilated. Through time and passed down from generation to generation, these biologically arranged molecular structures influence the arrangement, growth and regeneration of cells, genetically to the DNA level.

__In the quantum level of structuring these genetic strains of DNA, the materials consumed form the basic physical building blocks that adhere to our inner life force. What we eat our bodies become, What we are is passed on to the next generations. Our ending is their beginning. They build on what was previous and then add to the next strands of genetic life.

__The continuation of life depends on its forebears. The genetic strands of life dictate whether or not the future generations of man will be strong and healthy or weak and degenerated.

__The dark or bad habits of the parents are passed on to their children. One dark habit will influence another bad habit to be accepted and passed on. In retrospect, the good habits of parents are also passed on to their children. These good habits will also influence better habits to be accepted and passed on.

__By one's flesh and habits will the spirit within be influenced to the same.

__This predetermines and predestines what generations of man will survive and progress and what generations of man will degenerated and go out of existence.


As the sun is the light of the earth, so is the Creator the light of our soul.
From light will come light. From darkness will come darkness.
As light is of life, so is darkness, death.

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