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Physical Health and Healing

__The human body is a part of the Universal Design. It operates on the same basic principles. These factors are creation, maintenance and dissemination. In the human body they are more commonly known as assimilation, maintenance and elimination.

__A simple way to look at this process is at the cellular level. First we chose what we take in as nutrition. This ultimately provides the body with the basic building blocks and fuels it needs in the life process. The body takes this food and breaks it down to its molecular structures. The blood carries these particles to each cell in the body. Each cell digests, absorbs and assimilates what its designed to. In the assimilation or burning process what is not absorbed is discarded as waste. This waste can be toxic to the rest of the body and is taken by the blood to the kidneys where its discarded in the urine. Between the processes of assimilation and elimination the cells maintain themselves on what they have absorbed. If there is a problem in the digestion stage, the blood stream, cellular activity or in the eliminatory process, degeneration of the overall system is the result.

__If degeneration has occurred due to some malfunction or an oversight in nutritional intake, in most cases it can be corrected. Since the body is a biochemical, molecular, mechanical structure and under the control of our decisions, once we decide to heal ourselves the first step to a healthier life is taken.

__The next step is to formulate a plan of healing that works best for each individual. What will cure one person may not cure another. Each individual has a genetic history passed down through time by their ancestors.

__The flow of life through the family tree of each individual has developed to what it has become by the different stages and growth it has gone through, both physically and spiritually. Mankind is constantly on the move through time. Sometimes forward, sometimes backward, sometimes up, sometimes down. Forever progressive is the design. In this, what is needed today will not be needed tomorrow. The same holds true for what was needed yesterday will not be needed today.

__There are certain basic methods of healing that effect everyone in the same manner but in different degrees. Since the human body is a product of the earth and both are the products of the Source of All, the Creator has seen fit to give us healing agents from the same. These agents are natural compounds found within certain herbivorous varieties in the plant kingdom. We are given both the intelligence and inspiration to find and use these medicinal properties to heal our afflictions.

__This specific healing method is a combination of many different tried and attested to techniques and cures. It is designed to give a certain level of physical health and well being to most individuals. Beyond this, it is left up to person to continue their own path to total recovery and optimal health.

__The basic understanding I would like you to understand is that a clean and pure blood stream is the key to health. Imbalanced nutrition, toxins, poisons, oxidation, micro-bacteria and viral parasites are the causes of most all physical illnesses and diseases.

__The overview of this process is to clean the system and to nutritionally reinforce the physical structure with what it needs to provide optimum health.

__These methods and formulas have been used by others to alleviate the worst of the life threatening diseases that plague mankind. Some people use these methods and products to insure the health they already have. Still others believe that a pure and strong body will give them a basis for an unhindered and clear intelligence and the possibility for a higher spiritual life.

__Darkness, chaos, disease and death are the curses that mankind brings to himself when he does not know or rejects his Creator.


Life, health, Light, spiritual fulfillment and
unfoldment are the Creator’s blessings.


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