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Site Updated:
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Great news guys. The Tournament is ready to begin. As of Monday at 12:00 AM Round one will begin. You can find the list of games to be played under the current games link. You will also find the listing of teams under the TEAMS pages. Remember you have a whole week to play your opponent. If the game does not get complete it will be marked as a draw. In case of ties in your games, Restart a whole new game and also please include that in your game comments. To report your loss just go to the REPORT page. Any more questions just emaill me. Also...I will be away next week, so the site MAY not get updated much, but dont worry, I will still be here to oversee and make sure things run smoothly. I should be online from the times of Noon till around 7pm.

(More Needed Just email me @ if interested)

2001 Annual Yacht Rollers Tournament © Angelfire 1999-2001

2001 Y.R.T Owner - |DylanClipp|

    Y.R.T®Copywrite ©
The 2001 Y.R.T. has been here since June 22, 2001!

  Page Done By:
Dylan Clipp