
click here for info on the land advertised. sorry, no photos available yet.

  recent news
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  May 10, 2001
     new design is up, galleries here, hacking utilities and software to download on the way.
  May 17, 2001
     excellent news: my ex-girlfriend is not going out with stormy and she still loves me! :)
  May 21, 2001
     ok, some girl named jasmine signed my page and left an email address that keeps sending me returned mail because the address is wrong. if anyone knows ajsgilr_8@excite.com, please let me know. later...
  June 15, 2001
     hey, i made it south carolina ok, im living in a hotel. um...ive added text to some of the pics, ill get the rest when i have time. later...
  June 22, 2001
     Its my birthday! anyway, a friend sent me a poem she wrote, so im gonna put it here for everyone to read, cause i really like it. i dont know if it was written for me, or just cause she was bored. anywho, here it is:

Sometimes our days are filled with longing
With an unrelentless fire burning
Until hope grows cold and dims the fire
That fuels inside a deep desire
Patience comes with age and learning
But love we know grows from yearning
A gift from God can go unnoticed
Until it disapears into the furnace

                Samaria Carpenter

click here to read more of her work.

  June 27, 2001
     ok,ive come up with a new idea for the photo galleries. click here to see it and tell me what you think on the contact me page. it may take awhile to load, but i think its worth it.

  Sept 17, 2001
     Click here for info on the land.

It's ME!