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History 8


Long Term Assignments:



Vietnam Test--Wednesday, May 19 DBQ

Articles of the Week (due date):

Readings and Guides

Assignments for the week of  May 16:

NOTE: Assignments are due on the day indicated and may change during the course of the week.  If you are absent, check daily for changes.  Assignments given in class always take precedent over assignments listed here.  If you are in doubt, call a responsible classmate.

E-Mail Mr. Stroebel

Watch CNN Student News

DC Trip Information (updated 5-10)


The Carmel-Clay Public Library will host a political discussion group that will meet from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on the last Wednesday of each month to discuss current topics and the upcoming presidential election. The March 31st topic is The Candidates & The War on Terror. Future topics include The Candidates & The Economy and The Candidates & Education.  There is no cost for the program and snacks will be provided. To register, students may call the YA desk at 814-3983.

For Monday WASHINGTON DC TRIP  Be at the Southwest Airlines check-in at 6 a.m..  DC Weather
For Tuesday Washington, DC
For Wednesday Our scheduled arrival time is 5:45 on Southwest Flight 2706.
For Thursday Graduation
For Friday Summer Vacation Begins!
For Next Monday