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Laos List Summary - "Y"

Names in Red were Casualties

Note: This summary list may not agree with the corresponding detailed list due to ongoing updates.

Y001 James A. Yaeger Det 1, 56SOW Raven FAC  
Y012 Bill Yarborough      
Y016 Richard C. Yeend 37 ARRS CoPilot HH3E KIA 9 June 1968 shot down attempting rescue
Y002 William H. Yenke Det 1, 56SOW Raven FAC  
Y017 William Yockey      
Y015 Charles W. Yost Dept of State US Envoy 1954-1955; US Ambassador to Laos 1955-1956 US Embassy Vientiane 1954-1956
Y008 Young 37ARRS Pilot HH3E Shot down and survived crash, E&E 17 hours to rescue 9 November 1967
Y009 Young MACV SOG Member Operation Tailwind Inserted 11 September 1970 and recovered 14 September 1970, South Laos
Y006 Barclay B. Young 16SOS, Ubon, Thailand AC130A Crew MIA/KIA/BNR 29 March 1972, Savannakhet Province
Y014 David L. Young      
Y007 James Faulds Young   RF101 Pilot Captured North Laos 6 July 1966, Released by NVN 12 February 1973
Y013 Phil Young Det 1, 56SOW Trainer on T28 ejection seat TDY to Luang Prabang 1972-1973
Y003 Thomas O. Young Det 1, 56SOW Raven FAC  
Y005 Tim Young Project 404   Moung Soui
Y004 Truman R. (TR) Young Det 1, 56SOW Raven FAC  
Y010 Adrian Youngblood Det 7, 38 ARRS Pilot HH3E Shot down and rescued 20 October 1966, South Laos

Last Table Update: 15 August 2004  

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