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An Internet Marketing Tutorial for the rest of us

Welcome to An Internet Marketing Tutorial for the rest of us, where you can learn how to market yourself effectively on the web, get into major search engines, learn advanced SEO techniques, and not pay for it! Please support our advertisers and enjoy your new place on the Web! Subscribe to this site by entering your email on the right! Also sign up for the free offers we list. Internet
Tuesday, 4 October 2005
Did you update your blog today?
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Did you update your blog today?

Here's a handy daily to-do list:

Daily To-Do List

* 1 hour per day

* At least 1-3 blog entries each day

* At least 4-7 sentences per entry (50-100 words)

* Use keywords from your keyword list when appropriate

Stay Original - blog with your words, your voice, your thoughts, your views, your style, etc.

By doing these things, the search engines will take more notice of your site, you'll get more visitors, and, if you participate in Adsense, Clickbank, or any other similar programs, you'll make some money for your efforts.

Posted by Randy at 9:05 PM ADT
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Thursday, 29 September 2005
The Ultimate Marketing System
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Welcome to An Internet Marketing Tutorial for the rest of us! And a double welcome to those who discovered us via our new domain,!

Our topic today is creating the ultimate marketing system for your website. A marketing system basically answers the question of who you are, what you do, who needs the service you provide, how you plan to approach those who need your service, when you plan to approach them, and how you are going to pay for it. 'Course we feel the best way to pay for it is by having it for free.

Broken down simply, here are the nuts and bolts of creating the ultimate marketing system:

1) Create a narrow focus
Describe your perfect customer/client/user. Pretend you were having a cup of coffee with them and describe how this person needs and values what you have to offer. You need to know who you don't want as a client too.

2) Figure out what makes you different
Then build your entire marketing plan around this difference. Don't try to be all things to all people.

3) Package your business
Integrate your unique difference into the total experience your client has with your company. Everything about your company should deliver your unique promise.

4) Educate
Clearly communicate with your ideal client. Case studies, testimonials, service descriptions, the why of how you started your businesss are all good starters.

5) Create a Calendar
Create your system and then work the system. Do at least one marketing activity a day. In the system demonstrated here, we either blog and ping, submit to search directories, post articles on Yahoo or Google Groups, or tell a friend about the new site each day.

May God richly bless all your internet marketing efforts!

Ciao for now,

Check out my vstore

Posted by Randy at 11:57 PM ADT
Updated: Friday, 30 September 2005 12:10 AM ADT
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Thursday, 22 September 2005
How to get rid of yellowstuff
Mood:  on fire
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs

In the process of creating and promoting blogs (especially if you use autosurf programs as a vehicle) your computer could be compromised by a worm like yellowstuff. This in fact happened to me just the other day and I would like to share with you how to get rid of it.

I got yellowstuff by accidentally clicking a suspicious link. Yellowstuff took over my homepage and began sending numerous pop-up ads, spam, and spyware of a pornographic nature. This was especially unfortunate since it was my mother-in-law's computer that was affected. I did some research, and completely eliminated yellowstuff from her computer, and feel fairly certain that the same steps could be employed against other programs that hijack your home page.

First off, reset your homepage to whatever it was originally. Click on Tools at the top of Internet Explorer, then click on Internet Options. In the highlighted box, type the link to your home page, then click Apply at the bottom of the box and then OK.

Next, empty your internet cache. Go to Internet Options as above, click Delete Cookies, then click Settings, and, in the box that pops up, click View Files. I find it best to delete 10-20 files at a time, else my computer slows down or freezes. If some files won't go away, X out of the list, the Internet Options box, and repeat the process.

Then, delete all your temporary files. Click on Start, Search, and type *.tmp in the box. Then highlight all the entries (not the folders) and hit the delete key. Then go to Start, My Computer, C:/, Windows, Temp. If there are any files present here, delete each of them.

Finally, go to Start, Run, and type regedit and hit enter. In the screen that looks like the old 80s-version of Windows, click on HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Click the Software folder, then the Microsoft folder, then Internet Explorer, then Main. On the right-hand side of the screen, arrow down until you see Start Page. If this says anything other than the homepage you want when you open Internet Explorer, double-click Start Page and type your desired homepage in the box and hit enter. Then X out of the program without changing anything else, as results could be disastrous for your computer. Run AdAware if you have it.

You may have to repeat this process a few times. I had to repeat it three times before yellowstuff was gone for good. This solution probably applies to other inter bots and worms as well.

One final note: try your best to avoid getting your computer infected in the first place. If you must use an autosurfing program, either run it at a library computer (they have much stronger virus protection than we do) or be sure to run the steps above immediately afterward. Also, don't open unsolicited emails. There has been a wave of Nigerian Scam letters circulating, and sometimes they make it to your Inbox. SO if you don't have a relationship with the sender, delete the email. If you open one by accident, under no circumstances click any link within the email. This will also help eliminate identity theft, as will frequently changing your passwords.

May God richly bless your online marketing efforts!

CIAO for now,

P.S. I just purchased a domain. All it does essentially is point back here, but the URL is musch easier to remember: So tell your friends and click either the My Yahoo or My Msn links at the top of this page to get this feed delivered directly to you!

Posted by Randy at 8:12 PM ADT
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Monday, 5 September 2005
How to increase RSS subscriptions
Mood:  hug me
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Good afternoon and Happy Labor Day!

Today I'll share some tips on how to increase your RSS subscriptions. Yahoo and MSN have made it easy to subscribe to RSS feeds - wouldn't it be great if they were RSS feeds of your site?

For Yahoo, just sign in and go to Then follow the five steps, making sure you put your RSS feed in the box in step 3 (not the html), and generate the code. Then copy and paste the generated code to your page. The best place for the button is at the top of the page.

For MSN, insert the following code on your page:
< a href="" >< img src="mymsn.gif" >< /a >

Replace with the web address of your RSS feed.

To syndicate this feed over My Yahoo or My MSN, just click the buttons at the top of this page.

Ciao for now!

Posted by Randy at 6:40 PM ADT
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Sunday, 4 September 2005
How to Create Content for your Site
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Good afternoon and welcome to An Internet Marketing Tutorial for the rest of us! Today we're going back to the basics to get your site more easily indexed by the major search engines.

It's an old mantra, "Content is King." If you want to get vistors to your site, you need to have something to offer them. Sure you can have a great affiliate site with awesome products at incredible prices, but consumers need a reason to choose to go to your site over the umpteen million similar sites available.

The first thing to keep in mind is to write for your visitors, not the search engines. Keywords are fine but visitors have to be motivated to spend time browsing your site.

To do this, you need to inject your personality into your writing. Friendly, conversational writing works best. As visitors usually scan the contents of your webpage, you want to keep your writing easy to read and to scan.

Following is a bullet-point summary of the key strategies for a content-rich site:

Quality Content Pointers

*Headings like the one above grab the scanner's attention
*Start with the ending (the so-called inverted pyramid style)
*Don't bury your message in a lot of verbiage
*One idea per paragraph
*KISS principle (Keep It Simple Silly)
*Try to inform your visitors more than sell them

Ciao for now,

Posted by Randy at 6:44 PM ADT
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Monday, 29 August 2005
The Podcast!
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
The podcast has begun! I set it up using the incredible resources available at It's totally free, plus they have some pretty awesome music available there as well. The help files guide you each step of the way. Once you set up your podcast, you can paste the code to your blog or website as I have done. You can add your podcast entries over the phone by calling 1-888-654-2278. You need to register for this service first, though, but there is no charge for this either. BTW, I made the most recent podcast from a payphone at a community college. Over the next week I'll begin putting all my blog entries on the podcast.

Unfortunately, because the podcast is a major change to this site, it'll take a couple of days to get relisted in the search engines. Same as when I changed the title a month or so ago. The so-called "sandbox effect."

With the addition of a podcast to your site comes a whole slew of new marketing opportunities! We'll talk about those in upcoming posts as well.

May God richly bless your online marketing efforts!

Ciao for now,

Posted by Randy at 9:52 PM ADT
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Saturday, 20 August 2005
How to replace Adsense PSAs
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
If you are among the many website owners hoping to make some extra income from Google's Adsense program, here is a way to make Adsense even more profitable!

Adsense will show default ads, or PSAs, when they don't have any paying ads to show. This also can happen when the Google spider crawls your page for content. The last time Google crawled this site, for instance, I was ranting about the Trail and the Wife (oh how never the twain shall meet!), hence all the Google ads are about biking. I am going to implement today's tip and get back to daily blog-and-ping to remedy the situation.

The unpaid ads can easily be replaced with a line of code. Sign in to your Google Adsense account, click on Adsense for Content and between Color palettes optional and Channel optional is Alternate ad URL or Color optional.

In The Alternate URL box, type the following:[MEMID]&width=[WIDTH]&height=[HEIGHT]

Click on Update URL and use the new code in your site. For this site, the above looks like this:

After you make the changes be sure to save and publish your site.

May God richly bless your online marketing efforts!

CIAO for now!

Cockapoos are cute!
Quality Bibles for less!
Drink your vitamins!
Plan the Perfect Wedding!

Posted by Randy at 8:53 AM ADT
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Monday, 15 August 2005
Duct Tape Pinging
Mood:  surprised
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Good Morning! Welcome to An Internet Marketing Tutorial! The odd title of this post has to do with an email I just received from John Jantsch. His web site is BlogLightning and he's working on a book called Duct Tape Marketing. He wrote me asking for a submission to that upcoming book. I told him about what we're doing here at The Internet Marketing Tutorial and he suggested I call it Duct Tape Pinging. I had (tongue-in-cheek) called it Guerrilla Pinging, but John said that was so last decade. With any luck, he'll interview me on a future podcast.

Speaking of podcasts, I plan to initiate one on this site this week, providing I'm not too beat after I get off work. I'm thinking of podcasting my regular feed for the sight-impaired. As always, I'll lead you through step by step.

CIAO for now!

My Wedding Photos!
Drink your Vitamins!
Cuddles the Cockapoo Gear!
Quality Bibles for less!

Posted by Randy at 8:40 AM ADT
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Friday, 12 August 2005
Consistency is Key
Mood:  chatty
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Good Morning! The key element in creating and promoting blogs/websites is consistency. Not only do I now have a listing on Yahoo, Google, and MSN, but Ask Jeeves has picked up my listing and MSN has some of the sites I have listed on my blog as well. I have spent about an hour each morning creating a new entry, and pinging Yahoo and the other services.

I discovered a new service,, that not only has some really hot independent music, but also has a free podcasting service. I am going to add podcasting to this site within the next week, and, as always, will describe to you how to do so on your own site. I am also an independent musician and will be adding my own music to the site. Right now, you can hear me at SonicBids music. Just click on the audio files.

Below are links to some really kewel sites. May God richly bless your marketing efforts!

CIAO for now,

Drink your vitamins!
Cuddles the Cockapoo gear!
Quality Bibles for less!

Posted by Randy at 8:01 AM ADT
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Wednesday, 10 August 2005
Submitting RSS feeds / Review of FeedShark
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Create + Promote Blogs
Morning, all! I just checked Google and this blog is now listed under the new title. I also wanted to mention another method of promoting your blog/website. Keep in mind, that all the methods listed here read just the top page of your blog, so you might want to include your website as a signature. This method involves your RSS feed (see below) and an ugly monster called Feed Shark.

Feed Shark is located at It has a nice list of places to submit. Some of them are duplicates of the ones listed below. If you put the URL of your blog into Feedshark and hit the buttons your blog will be indexed within a few hours or a few days. Submit both your blog url and your RSS url because some take one and some take the other.

The links to Newsmob, Fuzzy Software, Blogs R Us, Genecast, and Blogmatcher do not work. DevAsp, Visual Builder, and CompleteRSS require that you input the RSS feed again. 4SearchRSS is currently not accepting feeds due to spamming problems.

All in all, Feed Shark is a great service to promote your blog. 15 of the 21 submission services do work, and only 3 require an extra step.

One other note about promoting blogs...I've tried a few of the services where you submit your link and surf for credits. I've gotten literally 1000s of credits with some of these services but no hits to my site. What I have gotten is 5 junk mails for every site I surfed. The trade-off is not worth it, IMHO.

Do put quality content in your blog and you'll get visitors. A catchy title doesn't hurt either.

I want to close this blog with a quote from Ronnie James Rio off the blog Matt's Minute:

"You are the strongest chain
And not just some reflection
So never hide again
You are the driver
You own the road
You are the fire
Go on explode
You've got desire
So let it out
You've got the power
Stand up and shout"

Hmmm...might be really good if I put one of my hip-hop beats to it, huh?

God bless you in your internet Marketing efforts!
CIAO for Now!

Quality Bibles for Less
Wedding Photos and accessories
Design the Perfect wedding here!

Posted by Randy at 9:27 AM ADT
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