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"Conflict can even now be avoided," the prime minister said, but insisted the Iraqi leader must "fully and unconditionally comply," or leave the country. Blair said that unless chief U.N. weapons inspector Hans Blix reported Friday that Saddam was in full compliance, he expected Security Council members to vote on a second resolution authorizing war on Iraq. "The exact timing of any vote is still under discussion, but yes of course it is the case that if he fails fully to comply there should be a vote in the United Nations," the prime minister told the House of Commons.
Britain, the United States and Spain have proposed a draft resolution saying Saddam has missed his final opportunity to disarm — a resolution that could open the door to military action against Iraq. Blair met Wednesday with the foreign minister of Russia in an attempt to prevent Moscow from blocking the resolution. German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, who along with Russia and France has opposed war on Iraq, will meet British Prime Minister Tony Blair on March 12 for talks on the crisis, Schroeder's spokesman said Wednesday. The United States and Britain claim Iraq has refused to destroy its chemical and biological weapons, as ordered by the United Nations, and they say military action will probably be necessary