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juss stuph that i know i'Ll alwaize remember..

.. the wolves' game ..
oOo aNnA's kribbo oOo

(= |-- new years --| =)
<3 beehing with mAi BaYbEeH eD <3
.:. going tah mOnIcOcO's & him falling asleep .:.

* pAtRiCk'S graduation *
(= pinix in the park with mAi SiEsTeR watching the guys run & old men on bikes =)
*ouchie* birthdey beetdowns *ouchie*
oOo dEvOtIoN's koncert oOo
* jAcK's resturant *

~> *hugg mEeH* <~
** d'S birthdae party **
=( <\3 march 12 2001 <\3 )=
<3 mAi deys spent with hAo <3
*the famalie*.. & the drama of it all.. =(

oOo tWiShA's party oOo
"OMG!!.. yur wearing yur DKNY shirt too?!?!"
"kae gUyS.. less all where WHITE SOX tahmorrow!!.."
)= cHaRlIE's get tahgether =(
<3 nov. 18. 2000 <3

oOo "i'MmA kill her!!.. i'MmA fuking KILL HER!!" oOo
=O willow road O=
=O dilley's O= 
(= drinking mAi first kup of koffie with mOnIcOcO with chokolate & almonds =)
\=< homekoming >=/
|-- meeting the bois @ mOnIcOcO's house & going tah ihop --|
= bRo getting a tatoo that seys.. "jAmI.. i love her".. LOL =
*~ showkayse IV ~*

oOo tahgether as one oOo
*klick klick klick klick*
- sum gum?!?! -
=D laughing =D
oOo juss kiken it oOo

"there are sum fuked up pEePoLe.. in this werld.. yanno why?!?!.. kuz dey BOBO!!.."
~> volleyball <~
"stae straight rOn.. stae straight.."
*office max*

<3 dec. 18. 2001 <3
*"the rumble"*
)= jan. 18 2001 =(