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What We Do:

Promotion Sponsorship

If you have a pre-release album or have a demo and needs sponsorship,
send us a copy of your demo CD. If our team feels that we can help, we
will provide financial assistance to help complete your album or we can
buy all rights of your completed album. mic_music_singing

Supports are as follows including but not limited to:

  • Initial studio time & Final studio time (financed by us)
  • Suggestions & editing when necessary
  • Reviews by our group circle.
  • CD inserts Graphic Designs
  • Production of CD's
  • Depending on agreement, we may pay you a lumpsum or
    commission of any current and future sales (30% or better).
  • Marketing Services/promote to radio stations, events, internet, etc.

Yog koj nyiam hu nkauj losis koj twb muaj ib xuv nkauj yuav tawm es tseem
tsis paub xyov yuav ualicas tiag no, txhob ua siab deb, xa koj daim qauv nkauj
tuaj rau tom peb. Peb mam pab koj saib seb peb puas muaj peev xwm
pab tau koj. Yog peb pom tau tias yuav pab tau koj, peb yuav zoo
siab tswm nyiaj pab koj ua kom xuv nkauj ntawv tiav kiag losis yuav kiag
txoj cais ntawm xuv nkauj ntawv.

Yam uas peb xam maj pab tau/yuav pab xws li:

  • Nqes pib tsim suab paj nruag mus txog thaum kawm tom studio
    ( yog tus them)
  • Sib pab kho thiab qhia cov suab/lus nkauj.
  • Xa rau peb pawg ib ncig sim koj daim CD & tawm tsiv yim
  • Tsim daim plhaub/dhos duab rau daim CD.
  • Luam cov CD npaj muag
  • Them ib npaug nqes nyiaj rau koj uas yog tus Nquas Nkauj
    losis them paj 30% rov sauv txhua daim peb muag poob.
    Qhov no nyob ntawm kev cog lus.
  • Pab nthuav koj lub npe hu nkauj thoob Ntiaj Teb xws li siv:
    xov tooj cua, muaj ncaws npas, noj peb caug, thiab hauv
    internet no ntxiv mus rau lwm yam.

Yog xav paub meej tshaj no, losis lus nug no thov sau email tuaj
rau peb >>> Contact Us .



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