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Although you may have good intentions and really want to live life with zeal and purpose, sometimes you may find you lack the energy to follow your own best wisdom. During these times, Wisdom Works stands ready to go shoulder to shoulder and heart to heart with you as step out of the old ways and into the new. Tools are offered that can enhance your ability to live the life you are called to live.

Healthcare Collaborations

During these days of increasing health care costs, it is important that you utilize these resources in an efficient manner. Wisdom Works can help you follow the recommendations of your provider through the use of stress reduction techniques and a personalized plan of action.

Corporate Collaborations

In today’s business world, employees may not feel as valued as before. Companies may lose valuable creative ideas if the individual’s wisdom is not taken into account or if he or she is not brought into meaningful dialogue regarding daily decisions. Offering creative retreats and team building days is one way to enhance an employee’s sense of importance to the company. Wisdom Works will design a workshop or retreat that will give everyone a chance to feel important and valued. Studies have shown that when employees feel they are important and valued, the use of sick leave decreases and health care costs go down.

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