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Wisdom Works was established through the persistence of the Divine. Verna was guided to build a grass roots business that offers creative and intuitive mentoring to women. In addition, Verna facilitates religious/spiritual retreats. As another component of this vision, Wisdom Works offers workshops and retreats to businesses and institutions that want to enhance and promote greater awareness and understanding among the employees, as well as strive to improve the moral and well-being of each individual within the company.

Verna’s use of creative and intuitive tools allows each individual to be present to his or her own voice of Integrity. In the same way, she provides the tools and opportunities for each individual to identify the Divine Purpose of his or her life and to purposefully begin to take the steps needed to travel this path.

Meet your mentor, Verna Fisher, M.S.W.

Verna has had lots of experience traveling the bumpy road to Divine Wisdom. She’s been traveling for a long time and continues to seek out the Wisdom that guides her to a deeper, more sacred experience of life. Verna considers herself a “late bloomer” and attributes that to not knowing how to release the fear and anxiety that seemed to be her constant companions in her early years.

Verna trained as a social worker, planning to help the world by being a therapist. However, Verna found that this path was not hers to take. She was called to move out of the realm of mental health and begin her new calling as a spiritual mentor. The voices that spoke to her were insistent and would not let her hide. Verna never considered herself “brave” and yet she found herself taking a leap of faith in order to listen to what she calls “Divine Intervention.”

Verna believes that much of the depression, anxiety, illness, and general unhappiness experienced by many of us in today’s world are due to not being grounded in an understanding of our spiritual dimension. She believes that as we learn to honor and trust this sacred partnership, our physical and mental health will naturally improve. We will then experience the integration of our bodies, our minds, and our spirits and, as a result, find our true selves.

Verna considers the Catholic church her spiritual home. However, it is her belief that every individual must honor his or her own spiritual tradition. Her hope is that each of us will begin to honor our own faith with integrity and to trust that God has a Divine Purpose for our lives. It is her firm belief that it is only in doing this that we will bring healing to ourselves, as well as bring peace to our world.

Integrity and Divine Purpose

Webster’s Dictionary defines “integrity” as “an unimpaired condition” or “the quality or state of being complete or undivided.” Wisdom Works strives to help illuminate what this might mean to each of us and then provides tools to help us achieve this state in all areas of our lives. Integrity is not a moral code imposed on us by some outside force; rather integrity comes from deep listening and then having the courage to follow what is heard. Sometimes that means breaking out of the established way of doing things in order to bring this completeness about.

The phrase “Divine Purpose” can’t be directly defined using a dictionary. However, the word “divine” is defined as “proceeding directly from God” or “supremely good” and the word “purpose” is defined as “intention” or “resolution.” Thus “Divine Purpose” can be construed as “an intention proceeding directly from God” or “a supremely good resolution.” Either way we define it, determining to live our lives this way seems to be potentially powerful and wise.

Wisdom Works has been established in order to help each of us first recognize and then claim a life of Integrity and Divine Purpose. It is time to do this. Our world is waiting for us to step into our true calling. We are needed to heal the planet. Let us walk the path of wisdom and thus bring peace to ourselves and the world.

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